• Curse the Darkness

    [2019]Curse the Darkness[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖/英语/Jorge Michel Grau/

    A grounded approach to Haitian zombie practices is used to tackle immigration issues.

    2021-08-31 23
  • 古堡惊眸


    黎明在即 / Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes/悬疑/恐怖/德语/凯文·科帕卡/Anna Platen/耶夫·威尔布什/Frederik von Lüttichau/Luisa Taraz/罗伯特·尼基施/Elena Gomez Alvarez/Bill Becker/Christopher Ramm/Max Cramer


    2021-08-29 13
  • 那斐山


    Mount. Nabi/恐怖/日语/千葉誠治/片山享/秋山タアナ/友松栄/金子彩奈/國重直也/木田友和/野口大輔/小野村麻郁/荒川真

    「AVN エイリアンVSニンジャ」「いま、殺りにゆきます」の千葉誠治監督が、POV(主観映像)方式を取り入れて描いたモキュメンタリーホラー。自主制作のホラー映画を撮影するため、不...

    2021-08-29 13
  • Die Dämonische Mörderoma

    [2019]Die Dämonische Mörderoma[豆瓣0分]


    2021-08-29 10
  • Demons of Bars and Tone

    [2001]Demons of Bars and Tone[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖/短片/英语/David Zellis/

    2021-08-30 10
  • Best Friends

    [2016]Best Friends[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖/短片/英语/Ruwan Heggelman/

    Two friends work in office jobs that are pretty much going nowhere. One of the friends gets very sick. He even has blood all over him. he soon becomes a zombie. Can Ferry...

    2021-08-25 10
  • The Perfect Breed

    [2010]The Perfect Breed[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖/英语/Scott B. Hansen/

    2021-08-30 11
  • Pontianak


    /恐怖/Malay/B. Narayan Rao/

    2021-08-29 10
  • 他们必须死


    /恐怖/英语/Sean Weathers/

    Wendy Baker, a famous female Caucasian author sublets an apartment in Bedstuy Brooklyn, NY, to write her latest book on the impoverished men that live there. However she ...

    2021-08-29 55
  • 恶魔归来


    恶魔回家/恐怖/英语/George McCluskey/Greg Hobbs/Jade Callender/Diane Ellis


    2021-08-22 14
  • Unveiling The Horse Demon

    [2016]Unveiling The Horse Demon[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖/奇幻//Neal 'Buboy' Tan/Maria Isabel Lopez/Guy Lockwood/Mara Lopez

    A young man searches for his father and encounters natural and supernatural forces, which ultimately lead him to unveil his true identity.

    2021-08-31 10
  • 艾尔男爵的诅咒


    /恐怖/英语/Rich Ragsdale/

    少女玛丽娅(Drew Mia 饰)最近一年来始终为姐姐自杀的阴影所困扰,恶梦连连,笑容不在。为了帮她从黑暗的记忆里走出,玛丽娅的室友克莉丝蒂娜(Heidi Androl 饰)连同好友谭雅(Kath...

    2021-08-31 11
  • Don't Enter a Bar with Bad Reviews

    [2019]Don't Enter a Bar with Bad Rev[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖/短片//Stanislav Puzdryak/

    By the will of circumstances, pursuing for the first time a good goal in his life, drug trafficker Taras finds himself in not a friendliest town. Locals play him a dirty ...

    2021-08-27 10
  • 灵异之夜


    /恐怖/德语/Steven B./Karina P./Melissa B./Steven B.

    Between August 18-24, 2014, three teens ventured out into a German forest and soon began to discover a series of strange paranormal events that would continue following t...

    2021-08-30 11
  • 12:06 Rumah Kucing

    [2017]12:06 Rumah Kucing[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖//Chiska Doppert/

    2021-08-31 10
  • Curse of the Stone Hand

    [1964]Curse of the Stone Hand[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖/英语/Jerry Warren/Carlos Hugo Christensen/

    2021-08-31 15
  • 血の海の美女 2

    [1997]血の海の美女 2[豆瓣0分]

    血の海の美女 Ⅱ / 血の海の美女 II/恐怖/短片///

      Une femme se brosse les dents pour cracher du sang à la fin. L'instant d'après, o...

    2021-08-26 27
  • The Curse

    [2020]The Curse[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖/短片/捷克语/Dimitri Kanjuka/

    The psychologist has one of the other sessions with his patient. But he doesn't even know how much his life will change

    2021-08-31 10
  • 毕业惊魂


    /恐怖/英语/Jay Jenkins/Collin Kliewe/Michael Vincent Berry/Jennings Brower/Jadon Cal

    A class of graduating high school seniors, nearing the crossroads of their lives, celebrate their last night together at the annual school lock-in. They never could have ...

    2021-08-27 14
  • 蛋头人的诅咒2


    /恐怖/英语/Scott Jeffrey/May Kelly/Sarah T. Cohen/Chris Cordell/Kelly Rian Sanson/Matthew Baunsgard/Georgina Jane/Gillian Broderick/Sara Maurelli/Amanda Himsworth/Osian Dixon/Khuram Khan/Sonja Quita Doubleday


    2021-08-31 15
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