• 1-900 Vampire

    [2017]1-900 Vampire[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖/短片/英语/John Russo/

    来自传奇屏幕作家/制作人John Russo的罕见短片,全球限量50本DVD

    2021-04-19 16
  • The Carpenter: Part 1 - And So They Die

    [2009]The Carpenter: Part 1 - And So The[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖/英语/Jared Michaels/Jocelyn Saenz/Alice Hunter/Julia Fazakerly

    The Carpenter tells the tale of a writer, a group of high school kids and a killer. The Kids party, the writer writes and the killer becomes legend.

    2021-04-19 13
  • Ice Scream: The ReMix

    [2008]Ice Scream: The ReMix[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖/英语/John Darbonne/

    2021-04-16 23
  • 细菌: 中心城市蔓延

    [2020]细菌: 中心城市蔓延[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖/英语/Sean Bingham/埃里克·斯达克/Doug Van Liew/Cassie Self/Elisha Pratt/Pamela Bell/彼得·安东尼·唐伯蒂斯/Kyle Penington/Mel Ellis/Ana Anderson

    杰克·诺斯罗普教授震惊地得知他的实验性生物计算机细菌将人变成了食肉的怪物。 尽管他的大多数偶然创作都是笨拙的白痴,但有些却大不相同。 他们可以胜过您。 他们可以超越您的想法...

    2021-04-20 46
  • Madness - Gli occhi della luna

    [1971]Madness - Gli occhi della luna[豆瓣0分]

    Madness/恐怖/音乐/犯罪/意大利语/Cesare Rau/Francesca Romana Coluzzi/Marzia Damon/Benjamin Lev/Merlene Mayer

    2021-04-18 14
  • 放送デキナイ 死ノ動画 2

    [2016]放送デキナイ 死ノ動画 2[豆瓣0分]



    2021-04-16 14
  • 幸运饼干


    噩运饼干/恐怖/英语/Rob Pallatina/吴汉章/瑞恩·莫里曼

    Cryptic fortune cookie messages become death omens for a group of friends.

    2021-04-19 13
  • 烈士巷


    烈士巷怪谈/恐怖/英语/露丝·普拉特/丹妮斯·高夫/史蒂芬·克里/汉娜·雷/阿纳斯塔西娅·希尔/Catherine Terris/基兰·汤普森/Julie Barclay/Sienna Sayer/Charlie Rix/Lianne Harvey/唐娜巴妮亚/Rob Preston

    Leah, 10, lives in a large vicarage, full of lost souls and the needy. In the day the house is bustling with people; at night it is dark, empty, a space for Leah's nightm...

    2021-04-16 39
  • 内克罗·拉米娜


    /恐怖/短片//Allison Albano Knight/

    This movie is about Lamina A regular woman that turns into a vampire. And later on finds out something about herself.

    2021-04-18 12
  • 囁く死美人


    Whispering Dead Beauty/恐怖/日语/村山三男/川崎敬三/万里昌代/花布辰男

    2021-04-19 12
  • 薔薇の迷宮


    Bara no Meikyu/恐怖/日语/日野日出志/Isami/友田彩也香/田丸愛

    2021-04-16 12
  • Come and Get Me

    [2011]Come and Get Me[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖/英语/Chris Sun/

    2021-04-12 11
  • 邪恶影响力


    La Influencia/恐怖/西班牙语/Denis Rovira van Boekholt/曼努埃拉·贝列斯/玛吉.斯班多斯/阿兰·埃尔南德斯/克劳蒂亚·普莱瑟/埃玛·苏亚雷斯/Daniela Rubio/拉蒙·埃斯奎纳斯/费利佩·维莱斯/玛利亚娜·科德罗/Marta Castellote/Sofía Tolina/Berta Sánchez/Iratxe Emparan/Daniel Currás/Carles Cuevas/Steve J. Palmer


    2021-04-20 36
  • Peor que los perros

    [2000]Peor que los perros[豆瓣0分]

    /恐怖/西班牙语/Miguel A. Saldaña/Miguel A. Saldaña

    2021-04-18 11
  • 放送デキナイ 死ノ動画 4

    [2016]放送デキナイ 死ノ動画 4[豆瓣0分]



    2021-04-16 11
  • 残存之物


    /恐怖/英语/Mark Byrne/Hillary Styer/Monique Dupree/Mel Heflin/George Stover/Casey Wallace/Colleen Tidd

    残存物被困在生者与死者的世界之间,是燃烧在太空中的暴力记忆。 这些残留物可能与生活中一样好坏。 但是,一旦世界之间的这些回忆被释放,会发生什么? 在宾夕法尼亚州葛底斯堡的超...

    2021-04-10 14
  • 立入禁止 ●REC

    [2011]立入禁止 ●REC[豆瓣0分]

    Exclusion Zone: Rec / Keep Out/恐怖/纪录片/日语/寺内康太郎/

    It became a place of tragedy in the heart of the family, and 10 cameras were installed in the now abandoned house for one year to shoot. What is the shocking image projec...

    2021-04-20 12
  • 锈湖


    /恐怖/短片/英语/Sean van Leijenhorst/戴维·鲍尔斯/Elena Kejvalová/Bob Rafferty

    When a detective wakes up in a room without any recollection of his past, he soon finds himself part of a bizarre game orchestrated by an old foe as he must solve increas...

    2021-04-20 24
  • Fate: Part 1

    [2004]Fate: Part 1[豆瓣0分]


    2021-04-19 11
  • 枷锁




    2021-04-17 16
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