• A Ferreirinha

    [2004]A Ferreirinha[豆瓣0分]

    /传记/葡萄牙语/Jorge Paixão da Costa/Filomena Gonçalves/António Capelo

    the life of Antonia Ferreira (popularly known as "Ferreirinha") from her widowhood to her death, including her role in the production and marketing of the Port ...

    2024-02-24 40
  • 指挥官


    /传记/战争/意大利语/艾多阿尔多·德·安杰利斯/皮耶尔弗兰切斯科·法维诺/Johannes Wirix/约翰·海尔登贝格/蒂姆·戴什/Silvia D'Amico/卢卡·奇科瓦尼/Giulio Greco/马西米利亚诺·罗西/Mario Russo/Lucas Tavernier/Arianna di Claudio/朱塞佩·布鲁内蒂/朱塞佩·洛·皮科洛/Pietro Angelini/亚历山德罗·班迪尼/查士丁尼·阿尔皮

    Salvatore Todaro is the captain of the Cappellini. He leads in his own way: the bow is reinforced with steel, in the off-chance an opportunity to ram a ship arises, his c...

    2023-11-20 81
  • The President’s Cake

    [2025]The President’s Cake[豆瓣0分]

    /冒险//Hasan Hadi/

    While people struggle daily to survive under sanctions in Saddam’s Iraq, nine-year-old Saeed must use his wits to gather ingredients for the mandatory cake to celebrate ...

    2024-02-10 18
  • How Mike Amiri Built a Luxury Fashion House From a 30k Investment in Himself

    [2023]How Mike Amiri Built a Luxury Fash[豆瓣0分]

    /传记//Mike Marasco/Mike Amiri

    2023-10-28 24
  • Avanta Kemal Torpido Yilmaza karsi
  • Untitled Chris Rock Project

    [2026]Untitled Chris Rock Project[豆瓣0分]

    King: A Life/传记/英语/克里斯·洛克/

    Universal Pictures is gearing up to tell a definitive cinematic biopic about the life of Martin Luther King Jr. The studio has optioned the rights to adapt Jonathan Eig’...

    2023-10-21 14
  • Menschen im Feuer

    [1930]Menschen im Feuer[豆瓣0分]

    /冒险/德语/Harry Piel/

    2023-08-20 17
  • Gaspare Spontini Celeste Amore

    [2024]Gaspare Spontini Celeste Amore[豆瓣0分]

    /传记/意大利语/Andrea Antolini/Diego Morresi/Alessandro Tarabelli/Lodo Guenzi/Vanina Marini/Andrea Caimmi

    2024-03-16 13
  • Le Reflux

    [1965]Le Reflux[豆瓣0分]

    /冒险/法语/保罗·热戈夫/Jean Blancheur/佛朗哥·法布里齐/塞尔日·马康/米歇尔·索博/Nathalie Tehahe/罗杰·瓦迪姆

    2024-01-30 19
  • 熊本初の総理大臣 知られざる清浦奎吾の生涯

    [2000]熊本初の総理大臣 知られざる清浦奎[豆瓣0分]



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  • 不想唱歌的女孩



    2023-08-02 17
  • Sahara


    /冒险/英语/Arthur Rosson/

    2024-02-11 19
  • 伊斯兰火者


    /传记/历史/乌兹别克语/Jahongir Ahmedov/Ulugʻbek Qodirov/Alisher Uzoqov/Asal Shodiyeva

    Xorazm bosh vaziri Islomxoʻja hayoti va faoliyati haqida hikoya qiluvchi filmda uning sirli oʻlimi tafsilotlarini oʻrganishga kirishgan tadqiqotchi-tarixchi, mavjud hu...

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  • 光明使者周维忠




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  • Frank gehry and alvar aalto : ideas and influences

    [2007]Frank gehry and alvar aalto : idea[豆瓣0分]


    by Films For Humanities and sciences

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  • 夏日之子




    2023-11-09 14
  • El final de una leyenda

    [1951]El final de una leyenda[豆瓣0分]

    /冒险/西班牙语/Ricardo Gascón/西萨尔·达诺瓦/Juny Orly/Rafael Calvo/Carmen Rey/罗西塔·福内斯/Aníbal Vela/Antonio Vidal/Félix Dafauce/Consuelo de Nieva/路易斯·因杜尼/Luis Villasiul/María Victoria Durá

    2023-08-29 21
  • 激走バトルキング




    2024-02-08 17
  • Fuck Them All!

    [2023]Fuck Them All![豆瓣0分]

    Fuck Them All! The Story of Heaven and Hell. The Making of a Ballet/传记/英语/Nick Peterson/Old-Nick/Janet Priest/Sophie Fournier/John Waterhouse/Margaret Mccray/Ruth Essel/Juan Rodrigues/Bruno Aversa/Karnal Singh/Jack Parry/Izzy Passey/Stephen Quildan/Eliska Bouzkova

    Two outlaws discover that they have been played and the only way to survive it is to rise above it all and dance.

    2023-10-24 21
  • Hungry Man

    [2013]Hungry Man[豆瓣0分]

    /冒险//Philip Martin/

    2023-08-21 24
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