
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-07-09 / 发布时间:2016-09-28


【主演】: 王敏德/胡枫/张敏
【标签】: 动作
【片长】: 93
【又名】:Leng mian ju ji shou/Tiger Cage 3
【评分】:豆瓣:5.5 ,IMDB:5.5
【IMDb链接】: tt0102286
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部冷面狙击手动作片中,香港商界巨鳄李绍邦(黄锦江 饰)长期从事买空卖空的生意,利用商界和政界的关系大赚黑心钱财。他的举动很快被商业犯罪调查科察觉,而督察James(张国梁 饰)和搭档John(王敏德 饰)正负责此案。 James的女友Suki(张敏 饰)是一家公司的白领,其老板黄威廉与李绍邦互有勾结。John趁Suki随老板与李谈生意之际放入窃听器,得知李、黄以及陈德信等人的暗箱勾当。然当晚陈离奇身亡,次日调查科逮捕黄,黄却被当街射杀。黄手中掌握一份攸关李之命运的重要文件,这份文件也便成为案件侦破的关键……©豆瓣

James and John are working in the Commercial Crime Bureau. Jointly they look into a case of which the suspect is an influential rich business man called Lee. James has a girl friend called Suki who is working for Wong, Lee's accountant. By first sight John has felt that Suki is an insidious opportunist. One night, in a party holding by Lee, John hears by chance the internal tips on a stock that Lee and his staff are talking about. John thus takes out all his saving and buy that stock. In the meantime, since Wong is murdered and James is also assaulted and seriously burnt, the case is closed under great pressure. On the other hand, the price of the stock which John has invested heavily slides. John is thus deeply depressed. Six months later, James has been much recovered under the care of two old men. At his time, Suki has climbed up to be a senior and important person in Wong's firm. Even Lee becomes a blocking stone in her eyes. Meanwhile, at their great surprise, James and John realized that one behind the scene is Suki. Hence, they decide to give both Lee and Suki a lesson. Confrontation and sacrifice thus become unavoidable.



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标题 类型 来源 播放
【老电影动作片】冷面狙击手 正片 56网 播放
张敏电影《冷面狙击手》国语 正片 56网 播放
香港电影国语 冷面狙击手 正片 56网 播放
冷面阻击手粤语 正片 优酷 播放
冷面狙击手 正片 土豆 播放
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冷面狙击手 正片 56网 播放
【冷面狙击手】[粤语版]‏ 王敏德 张敏 胡楓电影 正片 土豆 播放
冷面狙击手 正片 土豆 播放
冷面狙击手:冷面狙击手 正片 优酷 播放
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