1989[幕府风云]将軍家光の乱心 激突[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2016-11-04 / 发布时间:2016-05-07


【主演】: 千叶真一/绪形拳
【标签】: 动作/冒险/剧情
【上映时间】: 1989-01-14
【片长】: 114
【原名】:将軍家光の乱心 激突
【又名】:激突/将军家光之乱心/The Insanity of Emperor Iemitsu
【评分】:豆瓣:7.1 ,IMDB:7.2
【IMDb链接】: tt0098322
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部幕府风云动作/冒险/剧情片中,这是90年代日本投资最高、场面最大的经典时代剧之一,由老牌导演隆旗康男(《铁道员》《车站》)执导,绪形拳、千叶真一、松方弘树、长门裕之、丹波哲郎主演。尽管影片属于时代剧类型,但是和传统的时代剧不太一样。影片的情节更加紧凑了,连场的血腥杀戮和追杀打斗叫人紧张的喘不过气来,影片没有丝毫冷场的地方。 影片讲述了德川幕府时期,将军家光认为自己的长子竹千代与自己长的不像,便起了废长立幼的念头,并派高手伊庭庄左卫门去北部东照宫藩刺杀竹千代。藩主崛田手下的侍卫石河刑部率领一众高手一路保护竹千代前往江户,与家光对决……

Iemitsu, Tokugawa Shogun III, hates his eldest son Takechiyo; all his love is given to his younger son Tokumatsu. One day, he orders Takechiyo to an initiation rite in Yedo (today's Tokio). Takechiyo lives far away under the surveillance of Hotta Masamori, head of the Skura clan, where he was also raised. Hotta does suspect some kind of treachery, but he can not ignore the direct command of the Shogun. Therefore, he starts on his travel with Takechiyo and seven accompanying samurais. A large army under the command of Iba Shoemon, a vassal of the Shogun, attacks their night camp in the vicinity of a copper mine. Hotta dies in this first battle, but Takechiyo and the samurai manage to escape. They are chased by the army, and several skirmishes between the small force and the larger army follow.



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降旗康男の幕府风云 激突!将军家光之乱心 国语配音字幕 1989 正片 优酷 播放