
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-03-29 / 发布时间:2018-06-07


【标签】: 动作/惊悚/恐怖
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:2.6
【IMDb链接】: tt5466826
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部Lyco动作/惊悚/恐怖片中,Lyco是一部关于伏都教牧师的名为Lyco Fontaine(麦克奎尔詹姆斯)的动作恐怖片,他正在寻找一个几百年来一直被称为西班牙港大象的古代遗物。据说大象雕像有特殊权力,如果落入坏人手中,世界的天真就会陷入危险之中。接到一份工作来运送一个原来是西班牙港大象的遗物,Sh elly Ruiz(Marilyn Tolentino)和她的表弟桑德拉鲁伊斯(Greta Quispe)知道每个人都想要这个遗物的风险,他们要求同志的帮助在快递服务领域Chucho(Jorge Valentin)以及他的亲密朋友和同事Bobby(Franklin Correa)和Darius(Tee Epps),他们同意帮助和分散利润。但是他们很少知道黑暗势力在Lyco接近他的能力时会越来越强大,并且会不择手段地取回它,除非再次被盗。玛丽亚·鲁本夫人(桑德拉费尔南德斯) 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1m27YYv1aNz2FwT_76sqoAQ 密码: jsap

Lyco is a action horror film about a voodoo priest named Lyco Fontaine (Macquell James) who is in search for an ancient Relic that has been around for centuries called the Port of Spain elephant. It is said thought the elephant statue has special powers and if Fallen into the wrong hands the innocence of the world would be in danger. Receiving a job to transport a relic which turns out to be the Port of Spain elephant, Shelly Ruiz (Marilyn Tolentino) & her cousin Sandra Ruiz (Greta Quispe) knowing the risk of everyone wanting this Relic, they ask for the help of fellow comrades in the Courier Service field Chucho (Jorge Valentin) along with his close friends and co-workers Bobby (Franklin Correa) & Darius (Tee Epps) who agreed to help and split the profits down the middle. But little do they know of the dark Forces arising as Lyco gets closer his powers get stronger, and will stop at nothing to retrieve it unless it is stolen once again. Mrs. Maria Rueben ( Sandra Fernandez) an ...


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