2006[鬼作秀3]Creepshow 3[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-11-25 / 发布时间:2016-05-10


【导演】:Ana Clavell
【主演】: AJ·鲍恩/Kris Allen/Stephanie Pettee
【标签】: 动画/奇幻/恐怖
【上映时间】: 2006-04-24
【片长】: 104
【原名】:Creepshow 3
【评分】:豆瓣:6.8 ,IMDB:3.0
【IMDb链接】: tt0478125
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net http://www.creepshow3.com/


在这部鬼作秀3动画/奇幻/恐怖片中,这是乔治·罗梅罗/史蒂芬·金发起选集系列的第三部,有5个恐怖元素:"教授单顿"、"爱丽丝"、"电话少女雷切尔"、"电台"、"闹鬼的狗" 。 经轰动影坛的恐怖力作creepshow系列在时隔20年后,终于推出了第三部。此次依然是由“僵尸之父”乔治·罗梅罗与“恐怖大师”史蒂芬·金担当编导工作,力图重振此系列的辉煌票房。本片一共讲述了五个故事:Professor Dayton、Alice、Rachel the Call Girl、The Radio和The Haunted Dog。 这五个故事看似都是独立的小故事,但剧情上却都紧紧地联系在一起。Alice(爱丽斯):狂傲的女孩爱丽斯被一个神秘的遥控器所操纵,不停地穿梭于各个平行的空间。可怕的是,当她的空间每变换一次,身体的一个部位就会腐烂……The Radio(收音机):生活拖沓的保安员杰瑞无意中买了一个神奇的收音机,它能预知一个人的未来行动,但这种功能却给他的生活带来了极大的灾难……Call Girl(电话女孩):爱娃是一个杀人成瘾的性感女郎,在一次例行“服务”时顺便杀死了一个男人,但她不知道,这个男人有着邪恶的一面……The Professor's Wife(教授的妻子):两个年轻人在拜访博士时恶意地将他美丽的妻子打昏残忍的将其肢解……Haunted Dog(闹鬼的狗):傲慢自大、磕药成性的威尔医生将一个乞丐戏弄致死,但他没想到乞丐化为了阴魂,一直尾随着医生,扰乱了他的“正常”生活……"

"Alice": The suburban Alice is an annoying teenager that does not like the neighborhood where she lives. When her father uses a universal remote control developed by Professor Dayton, she moves to other dimensions with other families and when she returns, she's transformed into a rabbit, and is forgotten by her family. "The Radio": The security guard Jerry buys a radio developed by Professor Dayton from a street vendor. The radio talks to him and gives instructions to steal US$ 300,000.00 from a criminal, kill a couple of smalltime crook neighbors and move to another city. When Jerry decides to bring the prostitute Eva with him, he seals his fate, when he destroys the radio and has a tragic surprise. "Call Girl": Rachel's a call-girl and serial killer. When she's hired by the weird Victor, she kills him while having sex, but later, she finds the truth about the odd teenager. "The Professor's Wife": Professor Dayton invites his two best former students to introduce his fiancée Kathy in a dinner party. Charles and John believe Kathy is an android and decide to disassemble her in the best episode. "Haunted Dog": The mean, abusive and reckless Dr. Farwell is serving in a free clinic in a poor neighborhood. When he accidentally drops a hot-dog on the sidewalk, he gives the dirty sandwich to a homeless beggar and the man dies. Then he is haunted by the ghost of the beggar.



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[鬼做秀3].Creepshow.3.2006.DVDRiP.XviD.chs.srt 简体中文字
Creepshow.3.2006-cd1.chs.ssa 简体中文字
Creepshow.3.2006-cd1.eng.srt English字
Creepshow.3.2006-cd2.chs.ssa 简体中文字
Creepshow.3.2006-cd2.eng.srt English字