
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-10 / 发布时间:2016-04-30


【主演】: 唐泽寿明/江角真纪子/玉置浩二
【标签】: 喜剧/剧情/爱情
【上映时间】: 1997-05-17
【又名】:Koi wa maiorita/love has fallen/三天兩夜/三天两夜
【评分】:豆瓣:8.2 ,IMDB:8.1
【IMDb链接】: tt0119476
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部三天兩夜喜剧/剧情/爱情片中,由于天使(玉置浩二)的失误,本不该死的神崎啟一郎(唐泽寿明)重伤身亡。 为了回到阳间,啟一郎必须让第一个和他说话的女子(江角真紀子)在圣诞前夜幸福的笑出来。为此天使赋予啟一郎实现女子四个愿望的能力。 四个愿望宛如四叶草的祝福,希望、付出、爱和幸福。到底什么是真正的幸福,那样的幸福需要的是努力的追求还是耐心的等待?©豆瓣

Kanzaki (Karasawa Toshiaki) is a successful gigolo who has his way of making all the rich ladies who meet him happy and satisfied. However one day he was involved in a car accident and became comatose. The Angel (Tamaki Koji) then realises he had made a near-fatal mistake, where an old man should have been dead instead. To atone for his mistake, he allows Kanzaki to return to the human world, on the account that he must make the first girl he encounters upon returning truly happy. This girl he eventually meets is Machiko (Esumi Makiko) a forlorn tomboy whom her loved one left her for someone else. The Angel gives Kanzaki the ability to make 4 of Machiko's wishes come true. Through constant contact both Kanzaki and Machiko finally understand the meaning of happiness and true love, but Kanzaki is running out of time. Can he make Machiko smile from the bottom of her heart before his comatose body fails on Chirstmas Eve?

偶尔发生的幸福。冲着歌去找这部电影来看的……。感人而不俗。三天兩夜(戀は舞い降りた)。我最擅长的就是等待。诠释幸福, 97圣诞节情侣必看电影。不响的手机/呼机。只是很欣慰大家的评价还算很高~。也是找了好久呀!。当雪花和耀眼的灯光一起飘落时。


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标题 类型 来源 播放
三天两夜/恋は舞い降りた-A 正片 土豆 播放
[恋は舞い降りた]‏三天两夜 1997上 正片 优酷 播放
[恋は舞い降りた]‏.三天两夜.love.has.fallen.1997.CD1 正片 优酷 播放
泰國電影《三天兩夜》中字 正片 土豆 播放