2009[魂语心愿]Simon Konianski[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-06-26 / 发布时间:2019-03-23


【导演】:Micha Wald
【主演】: Jonathan Zaccaï/Popeck/Abraham Leber/Irène Herz
【标签】: 喜剧
【上映时间】: 2009-07-29
【片长】: 100
【原名】:Simon Konianski
【评分】:豆瓣:6.5 ,IMDB:6.2
【IMDb链接】: tt1479367
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部魂语心愿喜剧片中,Simon,35岁,回到家中与父亲同住,结果两人都无法忍受对方。更糟糕的是Maurice伯伯和Mala伯母总是瞎参合,尤其是努力帮Simon找一个美丽的犹太小姑娘结婚。父亲死后,Simon遂了父亲的愿望把他葬在出生的乌克兰家乡。Simon发现自己的生活奇怪极了,偏执狂的 伯伯,唠叨不停地伯母,六岁的儿子,父亲的鬼魂和一只兔子,当然还有和他吵架的前妻。

Simon, 35, has returned to live temporarily with his father. They make life unbearable for each other. To add spice to this situation, Uncle Maurice and Aunt Mala, Ernest's brother and sister, meddle in everything and, notably, try to find a "nice little Jewish girl" for Simon to marry. When Ernest passes away, Simon fulfils his father's last request: bury him in the village where he was born, in the depths of Ukraine. And so Simon finds himself caught up in an event-packed road movie in the company of his paranoid old uncle, his aunt who nags him endlessly about his "Goy dancer", his six-years-old son, his father's body and his ghost, and also a rabbit. Not to mention his ex who hassles him by phone. The journey will be nothing like a cruise down the Nile!


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