2000[末世圣童]Bless the Child[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-10-27 / 发布时间:2016-05-08


【主演】: 金·贝辛格/吉米·斯密茨/霍利斯顿·科尔曼/克里斯蒂娜·里奇
【标签】: 犯罪/剧情/恐怖
【上映时间】: 2000-08-11
【片长】: 107
【原名】:Bless the Child
【评分】:豆瓣:5.8 ,IMDB:5.1
【IMDb链接】: tt0163983
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net http://www.blessthechild.com/


在这部末世圣童犯罪/剧情/恐怖片中,MAGGIE(KIM BASINGER飾)是紐約醫院的精神科護士,是個不相信預兆或神鬼的無神論者。 有一天,Maggie犯有毒癮的妹妹Jenna,帶著剛出生的女兒Gody來找她,要她收留Gody之後就音訊全無。六年過去了,當Jenna再來找她時,並帶來一位新婚丈夫Eric,他是個有名的電視台主持人,也是一個新宗教(新黎明)的佈道者,他們回來向Maggie要回Gody,但是,Maggie在沒有法律權力的追訴下,無計可施。 這時,FBI幹員JOHN發現這位名叫Eric的佈道者和近來發生失蹤案及謀殺案有關,於是願意幫助Maggie找尋Gody的下落。 Eric之所以要捉走Gody是因為他發現Gody是耶穌使徒的轉世,從小她就有一些神通,但是無神論的Maggie並不相信這些,而Eric事實上是撒旦的擁護者,他要讓Gody歸順於邪惡。 在劇中,Eric不斷的利用一些事情打擊Gody對上帝的堅信,他將Gody帶到高樓上去強迫Gody選擇是相信看得到的他手,還是虛無縹緲的上帝。Gody此時智慧的巧妙回答:如果要跳樓你先請。Eric又帶著Gody去看一些流浪漢,他們胸口帶著十字架,但卻被上帝遺忘在街頭流浪,他拿著汽油及打火機要流浪漢自殺時,Gody過去抱著流浪漢輕輕的說:上帝並沒有忘記你。不論Eric如何的打擊她,她總是能憑著對神的堅信而平安的渡過。 電影的最後,是讓所有的壞人都目瞪口呆的看到了天使的降臨,Jenna及Eric還有所有在場的人全嚇倒在地。『神』剷除了邪惡,也讓不相信有神存在的Maggie重新拾回了對上帝的信任。

Omens and concepts of good vs. evil have no place in Maggie O'Connor's well-ordered, practical universe. Her life revolves around her job as a nurse at a busy New York hospital, until one rainy night, her sister Jenna abandons her newborn, autistic daughter at her home. Maggie takes the baby in, and she becomes the daughter she never had. Six years later Jenna suddenly re-appears with a mysterious new husband, Eric, and abducts Cody. Despite the fact that Maggie has no legal rights to Cody, FBI agent John Travis, an expert in ritual homicide and occult-related crime, takes up her cause when he realizes that Cody shares the same birth date as several other recently missing children. The little girl, it soon becomes clear, is more than simply "special." She manifests extraordinary powers that the forces of evil have waited centuries to control, and her abduction sparks a clash between the soldiers of good and evil that can only be resolved, in the end, by the strength of one small child and the love she inspires in those she touches.


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