
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-10 / 发布时间:2016-06-13


【主演】: 张荣男/马东锡
【标签】: 犯罪
【上映时间】: 2013-04-18(韩国)
【片长】: 74
【评分】:豆瓣:6.3 ,IMDB:6.0
【IMDb链接】: tt2420824
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部公正社会犯罪片中,阿祖(张英南 饰)和女儿延姝(李在熙 饰)过着相依为命的生活,为了撑起这个家,阿祖不得不将大部分时间投放到工作上。一天,本应该早就下课了的延姝迟迟没有回家,让阿祖没有想到的是,在这短短的时间里,延姝遭到了残忍的性侵害。 愤怒和悲痛之中,阿祖希望警方能够将凶手捉拿归案,然而很快她就发现,这样强烈的希望换来的只有失望。之后,阿祖找到了身为牙科医生的丈夫,没想到丈夫却因为顾及自己的职业生涯而不愿意出手相助。孤立无援的阿祖坠入了绝望之中,但仍然没有放弃希望的她决定依靠自己的双手找到真凶,替女儿复仇。©豆瓣

A former dental technician, currently working as an insurance saleswoman, Yoon young nam manages to live with her 10-year-old daughter. One day, she finds out that her missing daughter has been raped on her way home from school. She reports to the police only to be disappointed by the inabilities and intrusiveness of the police. After going through consecutive failures of seizing the rapist mostly due to the indifferent and passive attitudes of the police, she changes her mind to chase after the rapist for herself with all kinds of measures that she can take. One by one, she takes severe revenges to the rapist as well as those who sabotaged and disrupted her (including her husband) with a way she knows best.

真正的好片。公正是如何做到的。向韩国电影人致敬。不要用脚投票。要不到的“公正”,唯有亲自动手。。如果·那时。韩国套路片。。那好了。为了“真实事件改编”勉强给两星【吐槽向 大爱此片者慎入】。


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