1954[神枪杀手]The Law vs. Billy the Kid[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2024-01-07 / 发布时间:2020-02-20


【导演】:William Castle
【主演】: 斯科特·布兰迪/贝塔·圣约翰/詹姆斯·格里菲斯/小艾伦·海尔/保罗·卡瓦纳
【标签】: 西部
【上映时间】: 1954
【片长】: 72
【原名】:The Law vs. Billy the Kid
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:5
【IMDb链接】: tt0047163
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net



Young William Bonney inspires the faith and friendship of Pat Garrett, despite Bonney's violent past. Garrett believes that Billy can make a better life for himself, a sentiment shared by rancher John Tunstall, who befriends Billy and gives him a job. Billy falls in love with Tunstall's niece, Nita, but this outrages Tunstall's foreman, Bob Ollinger, who exposes Billy's past as outlaw Billy the Kid. When Billy's new friend, John Tunstall, is murdered, he goes on a rampage of revenge, and Pat Garrett, now a lawman, is forced to go after his young friend.


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