
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-10 / 发布时间:2016-05-09


【主演】: 浪川大辅/生天目仁美/矢部雅史/山口眞弓
【标签】: 动画/剧情/奇幻
【评分】:豆瓣:7.6 ,IMDB:7.4
【IMDb链接】: tt0434685
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部杀戮都市动画/剧情/奇幻片中,玄野计(浪川大辅 配音)和加藤胜(大里雅史 配音)是小学时代的好友,在一日的偶遇之后,两人为救一只铁轨上的流浪狗而同时命丧黄泉。然而等待着他们的并非虚无,当玄野计睁开眼时,映入他眼帘的居然是一间闻所未闻的高级公寓,他的周围聚集着和他一样迷惘的,互不相识的“死者”们。“你们的生命已经完结,如何使用你们新的生命,是我的自由”,一个位于房间中央,名叫“GANTZ”的黑色圆球传达了这样的指示。 为了活命,他们被迫的参与了各种各样的与外星怪物之间的残酷战斗,每场战斗结束之后,“死者”们会根据在战斗中的表现而得到相应的分数,利用这些分数,“死者”们可以选择实现愿望或是换取强力武器参加下一场战斗,而分数为0的人们,他们面临的,则是可怕的惩罚。“GANTZ”到底是什么?是谁控制着这场血腥的游戏?真的能够复活吗?想要解开这种种疑问,玄野计只有一种选择,那就是战斗到底。©豆瓣

High school student Kei Kurono meets up with childhood friend Kato Masaru one day by chance encounter. As the two are in the subway chatting, Kato notices a homeless man on the subway train tracks. Kato goes down on to the tracks to move the man off the tracks and persuades Kei to help. But soon after helping the man, they are hit by a subway train and killed... or maybe not. Immediately after being hit by the train, the two are suddenly in an apartment from which they can't leave, along with some other people who were also in some near death experience. In this apartment there is also a black sphere called Gantz. Kei and the others have to obey Gantz's rules if they want to live. They have to participate in missions in which the objective is to eliminate aliens. But who or what are these aliens? are Kei, Kato and the others alive or dead?

动画推荐文本4——《杀戮都市》(Gantz)第一季、第二季。变态与恋的关系。烂到不行的动画版。不如叫救赎都市。简评《杀戮都市》动画版。直面血淋淋的现实。还你一副死后重生的躯体去战斗。看法在两天之内改变这么大。不错 很喜欢。要死几次?。


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