1977[浮生暂借梦]Kung Mangarap Ka't Magising[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2020-02-20 / 发布时间:2020-02-20


【主演】: 克里斯托弗·德莱昂/希尔达·科罗内尔
【标签】: 剧情/音乐/爱情
【语言】:菲律宾语 / 塔加路语
【上映时间】: 1977-12-24(菲律宾)
【原名】:Kung Mangarap Ka't Magising
【又名】:Moments in a Stolen Dream
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:7.5
【IMDb链接】: tt0138623
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部浮生暂借梦剧情/音乐/爱情片中,表面是有闲阶级金童玉女的爱情故事,靓歌靓人靓景,但暗藏进步思想,亦贯串起青 春成长的挣扎与淡淡忧伤。男孩遵从父命在大学念理科,却无心向学,只想夹 band 写 歌,发挥音乐天赋。碰上女孩一见钟情,怕丑仔勇敢约会,没想到她原来已婚,是个 寂寞的妻子,只叹相见恨晚。《黑暗魔爪》(38 届)与《英思安》(40 届)女主角晓达 高朗尼,伙拍稚气未脱的基斯杜化迪里安,演绎婚外恋情,美得叫人同情。借来的美 梦,也是两人学懂反抗父权专制追求自由自我的启蒙过程。迈克迪里安瞩目第二作, 纪念祖母百岁冥寿,于碧瑶取景,拍出远离世俗的氛围,修复版本更加还原梦一般的 浪漫颜色。

It's the coming-of-age story of a young college student, Joey (Christopher de Leon) who has lost all sense of direction and meaning in life, waking up every morning to the same old day that went before; fruitless, senseless, lifeless. He's a carefree kind of guy who just bums around with his friends. The only thing that inspires him is music. The problem is, he has yet to finish writing a song, which turns out to be the movie's theme song, and the theme song of his awakening. Then Joey meets Ana (Hilda Koronel) and she immediately sweeps him off his feet. A very sweet friendship develops between the two. All of a sudden Joey's world is turned upside down, and his mornings are never the same again.


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