
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2017-11-22 / 发布时间:2017-11-21


【主演】: 陶虹/奚美娟/王雷/何政军
【评分】:豆瓣:7.4 ,IMDB:
【IMDb链接】: tt6602064
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部春草片中,上世纪七十年代初,生长在江南水乡的美丽女孩春草(陶虹 饰)天资聪颖、心灵手巧,但当地男尊女卑的旧观念还未出去。严厉的母亲(奚美娟 饰)不顾春草的求学心切,执意让才念了几天书的女儿回家干活。由于家境困苦,春草从小养成坚强、不服输的性格。 长大后,春草爱上的高中毕业的何水远 (王雷 饰),她不顾母亲的反对,执意嫁给这个对她来说才华横溢的高材生。改革开放之初,夫妻俩也谋划出门做生意,只可惜何水远白白读了几年书,却是个眼高手低的懒骨头。而春草为了过上好日子,没日没夜拼命挣钱,即使受到再多挫折也永远笑对人生……©豆瓣

In the early seventies of the last century, the growth of the beautiful girl in the south of the river spring grass talented, ingenuity, but the local male superiority of the old concept has not yet passed. Severe mother regardless of the spring grass to study eager, insisted to read a few days to read the daughter of the family work. Due to the hardships of family, spring grass from small to develop a strong, unyielding character. Growing up, spring grass fell in love with high school graduation He Shuiyuan, she ignored the mother's opposition, bent on marrying this talent for her talented students. At the beginning of reform and opening up, the couple also plan to go out to do business, but unfortunately where the water is too white to read a few years of books, but it is a low hand lazy bones. And spring grass in order to live a good day, day and night hard to make money, even by the frustration will never laugh on life.

慈妻多败夫,坑人的母爱式妻子的结局。大家一定要看看这电视剧。一个悲剧的童话结尾。我很像春草。关于春草的人物形象。......。《春草》 一本有关爱情的教科书。不负责任的男人终究是祸害。《春草》所诠释的精神。前期励志,后期结局败笔。


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