
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-06-07 / 发布时间:2018-06-07


【主演】: 林永健/于明加/张凯丽/丹尼斯·吴
【标签】: 剧情/喜剧
【评分】:豆瓣:6.4 ,IMDB:
【IMDb链接】: tt6280512
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部桃花运剧情/喜剧片中,一场意外让小小的保健品推销员尤斌(林永健 饰)邂逅了单纯善良的小白领周青青(于明加 饰),接二连三的误会和意外让两人结下了梁子,但也加深了对彼此的认识。周青青和男友卢耀伟(丹尼斯·吴 饰)相恋多年,然而卢耀伟却一直没有结婚的打算,不打算再浪费时间的周青青选择了分手。 女儿的失恋让周青青的母亲感到十分焦虑,周青青找到了尤斌,希望对方能够假扮自己的男朋友,一解母亲焦虑的情绪。在此过程中,两人竟然假戏真做,碰撞出了爱情的火花。那边厢,周青青最好的闺蜜钟缇(王汀 饰)替朋友打抱不平,出现在卢耀伟的身边,想要报复他的无情,谁知道聪明反被聪明误,坠入了情网。©豆瓣

Zhou Qingqing and You Bin get sachets from a shopkeeper at the same time, with one saying "Fortune Luck" and the other "Blossom Luck". Zhou's mom complains that her daughter is still single, therefore You gives his sachet with "Blossom Luck" to Zhou, but Zhou is not appreciated. Since then, Zhou and You have become involved in each other's life. You's ex-wife Shen Ya learns from local newspaper that You wins a lottery, and asks him to pay a debt of 100 thousand yuan. However, it is only a misunderstanding. You doesn't win the lottery, so he has to raise money in order to get rid of Shen. Zhou has a relationship with Lu Yaowei for five years, but Lu never plans to settle down and get married. Zhou breaks up with him, and asks You to pretend to be her boyfriend, so that her mother will not worry about her marriage. Once, she gets hurt accidentally and You looks after her carefully. Zhou's mom turns You down at first, but she is moved by You's carefulness and patience in the end. Zhou's ...



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