2002[北约反击战]The Red Phone: Manhunt[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2020-04-07 / 发布时间:2020-04-07


【主演】: 阿诺德·沃斯鲁/迈克尔·温考特/迈克尔·艾思赛德
【标签】: 动作
【上映时间】: 2002-11-25
【片长】: 192
【原名】:The Red Phone: Manhunt
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:4.2
【IMDb链接】: tt0280065
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部北约反击战动作片中,北约是目前世界上最强大的军事集团,拥有大量核武器和常规部队,是西方重要军事力量,鉴于全 球猖獗的恐怖主义破坏活动,北约各成员国首脑计划推行遏制恐怖事件的发生,加强集体防务,并举行联合军事演习。同时,臭名昭著、凶狠、残暴的恐怖集团头目凡埃武装却劫走了北约的大批军 火,准备手C4炸药研制研制出威力十足的炸弹,在北约会议上大开杀戒。各成员国紧急召集了各国 的反恐精英组成AT-13也顿时群龙无首,曾在科索沃战争立下赫赫战功的达罗临危受命,带领TA-13转战南非,来到恐怖份子军火交易的港口,交火中遭遇国际刑警,三方混战炸毁小艇,恐怖份子 趁乱逃脱。大批走私军火落入敌手。即将如开的北约会议危机重重,来自全球各国的首脑政要,都 成了恐怖份子的猎杀目标。而持续打击恐怖势的AT-13小组,达到一石二鸟的效果。 AT-13面临重大考验,恐怖分子却已经把大量炸药布置在大会中,危机一触即发,一场激烈的生死 对决就此展开……

When the red phone rings, the AT 2000 goes into action. Covertly created and financed by an international consortium of governments and wide-ranging private interests, AT 2000 represents the last line of defense against worldwide terrorism. A secured hi-tech computer line, the red phone accesses only terrorist activity already investigated and verified by - but beyond the grasp of - any one of a number of international police, special security, and military agencies, so its urgent signal raises the alarm on a clear and present danger - an explosive situation that only AT 2000 can defuse. Headed by Quentin Forbes, the group is assembled from special units throughout the entire commonwealth of nations - the men and woman of AT 2000 are the very best in their respective specialities. But they are also renegades, marching to a different drumbeat of justice, one above and beyond the call of "regular duty". Forming what is, essentially, the first truly international police force, they ...



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