1989[罗德兹三角]Poirot: Triangle at Rhodes[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2020-02-18 / 发布时间:2020-02-18


【主演】: 大卫·苏切
【标签】: 悬疑/犯罪
【上映时间】: 1989-02-12(英国)
【片长】: 52
【原名】:Poirot: Triangle at Rhodes
【评分】:豆瓣:7.5 ,IMDB:7.4
【IMDb链接】: tt0676192
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部罗德兹三角悬疑/犯罪片中,意大利度假胜地罗德兹岛的一条小巷中,悠然自得的波罗撞上一个自称是他崇拜者的年轻女士帕梅拉•莱尔。在她的提议下,波罗很绅士地让她挽住了自己的胳膊。奇异的经历就此展开。 在沙滩上,波罗、帕梅拉•莱尔与同来的一对渡密月的年轻夫妇、一对阔绰夫妻相识。经过数日的交往,帕梅拉•莱尔认为两对夫妻间暗藏着一种奇怪的三角关系,波罗则察觉到一种沉重的杀机在两对陌生夫妻中漫延。 就在波罗决定离岛的当晚,在众目睽睽的酒店大厅,阔绰而迷人的年轻太太在喝下一杯杜松子酒后,中毒身亡,被警方误 认为是间谍而欲走不得的波罗决定留下来,与帕梅拉•莱尔一起找出真凶……

Just as his holiday on the island of Rhodes is coming to an end, Hercule Poirot finds himself investigating a murder when one of the hotel guests, Valentine Chantry, is poisoned in the bar. The drink she had was apparently meant for her husband and had been bought by Douglas Gold, with whom she had been carrying on since her arrival. Gold is arrested and everyone assumes he is the perpetrator but Poirot thinks otherwise however and looks to the other guests in the hotel as more likely suspects. When a local pathologist confirms that the poison used was local in origin, Poirot realizes that only when he learns who purchased the poison will he learn the killer's identity.


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