2011[飞哥与小佛 第三季]Phineas and Ferb[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2017-04-02 / 发布时间:2017-04-02


【导演】:Zac Moncrief
【主演】: 文森特·马特拉/托马斯·布罗迪-桑斯特/阿什丽·提斯代尔/丹·波文迈尔
【标签】: 喜剧/动画/家庭
【原名】:Phineas and Ferb
【评分】:豆瓣:9.6 ,IMDB:8.4
【IMDb链接】: tt1895042
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部飞哥与小佛 第三季喜剧/动画/家庭片中,飞哥与小佛 第三季

In the Great Indoors: An excessive amount of rain leads Phineas and Ferb to build Isabella and her Fireside girls a biosphere that can simulate any environment. The incessant rain also leads Major Monogram to believe Dr. Doofenshmirtz is manipulating weather. Jeremy's desire to have a picnic in the biosphere divides Candace between spending quality time with him and busting her brothers. In Canderemy: Isabella wants alone time with Phineas while Stacy wants girl time with Candace without any mention of Jeremy. Doofenshmirtz' Combine-inator hits Candace and Jeremy, literally joining them at the hip until Phineas can rebuild his Molecular Separator.

飞哥与小佛 第三季BT/迅雷/字幕/资源下载:

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