2002[终极特警 第一季]Ultimate Force[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-10 / 发布时间:2016-05-01


【导演】:Rob Heyland
【主演】: Ross Kemp/吉米·巴姆博/迈尔斯·安德森
【标签】: 动作/战争
【原名】:Ultimate Force
【评分】:豆瓣:8.4 ,IMDB:7.7
【IMDb链接】: tt0334874
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部终极特警 第一季动作/战争片中,一部耗资数亿英镑的全球反恐剧集,并曾在戛纳影展上获奖。SAS是英国一支特别作战部队,每一个成员都是万里挑一、斥资百万打造出来的。他们威猛强悍又反应机敏,在沉稳老练的汉诺带领下,担负着普通军警力不能及的特殊使命。SAS面临的挑战艰不可测。每集都是一独立的故事。比Spooks场面要火爆。里面还有大家所熟悉的"Heroes"的Dr.Suresh。

This action adventure series follows the exploits of Sergeant Henno Garvie and his colleagues who make up Red Troop, a crack SAS team. Stopping the release of a lethal anthrax mutation, infiltrating an anti-capitalist group set on assassination and a life-or-death bank siege are among the missions facing the troopers as they put their lives on the line at the sharp end of Britain's most elite fighting force. Henno's reputation is at stake when an operation goes wrong in the complex political jigsaw of Northern Ireland. There is a tragedy on a combat survival weekend and the team find their skills, stamina and close-knit bond pushed to the limit when they are sent to hunt out a suspected war criminal in Bosnia.

转一篇牛x人士D Boy的评论。Richard Armitage在第二季中出现了。....。非常专业,不花哨。唯一的遗憾—这时候才看到。有帅哥.。【美中不足+富不过三】——ultimate force极度权限。

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