
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-10-22 / 发布时间:2017-05-01


【主演】: 丽芙·休森/丁世翰/裴都丽/全知泰
【标签】: 喜剧/爱情/奇幻
【语言】:英语 / 韩语
【片长】: 15
【又名】:드라마월드/Drama World
【评分】:豆瓣:6.2 ,IMDB:7.7
【IMDb链接】: tt5468694
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部欧巴,我入戏了喜剧/爱情/奇幻片中,美国国际TV网站VIKI于近日宣布将以中国、韩国电视剧为素材,制作网络剧《电视剧世界》。该剧讲述了非常喜爱韩剧的美国女大学生中了魔法,在韩剧中冒险的故事。 据悉,该网络剧将拍摄10集,每集20分钟,计划于10月份开始拍摄,明年上半年播出,首尔为主要取景地。 演员方面,目前很多韩国演员正在试镜,韩智敏和崔始源已经确定客串。

Claire Duncan (Liv Hewson), a cute if slightly nerdy 20-year old college student, is obsessed with Korean drama. While most co-eds are out partying, she's glued to the screen watching her favorite K-Drama actor, Joon Park (Sean Dulake), in 'Taste of Love.' Dreamy, charming, and downright adorable, Joon Park is more than Claire's fantasy. He's her knight in shining armor, the man of her dreams. Claire's waking days, sadly, are not nearly as thrilling as the ones depicted in the K-Drama world. Between work and school, her only escape is the glamour and excitement of 'Taste of Love' and Joon Park's intoxicating charm and good looks. Like a girl lost in love, Claire spends almost every second wishing he would walk through the doors and sweep her off her feet. Her world, however, is turned upside down when, through a twist of fate and a touch of magic, she finds herself sucked into her smartphone and transported inside the world of her favorite K-Drama. Stuck inside Dramaworld, Claire ...



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