2009[中间人 第二季]The Inbetweeners[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2017-08-13 / 发布时间:2017-08-13


【导演】:Ben Palmer
【主演】: 西蒙·伯德/詹姆斯·巴克利/Blake Harrison/Joe Thomas
【标签】: 喜剧
【片长】: 25
【原名】:The Inbetweeners
【又名】:Loser党 第二季
【评分】:豆瓣:8.5 ,IMDB:8.4
【IMDb链接】: tt1398705
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net http://www.e4.com/inbetweeners/


在这部中间人 第二季喜剧片中,这剧到底应该取个怎样的中文名才最合适呢? 我觉着叫“中间人”很不对路啊! 所以我自己取个“Loser党”算啦~

On a field trip to the Dorset coast Jay fails to locate the mythical housewife who deflowers schoolboys, Neil becomes a (paedophile) teacher's pet and Will and Simon fall out over pretty new girl Lauren. To cut their losses the boys take a boat around the bay but Simon falls in and ends up nude in front of the whole coach party with only a sock to cover his modesty.

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