2012[谋杀 第二季]The Killing[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-12-31 / 发布时间:2016-05-11


【主演】: 米瑞·伊诺丝/乔尔·金纳曼/比利·坎贝尔/米歇尔·佛贝丝
【标签】: 剧情/犯罪
【片长】: 45
【原名】:The Killing
【又名】:杀戮 第二季/神秘谋杀 第二季
【评分】:豆瓣:8.9 ,IMDB:8.3
【IMDb链接】: tt1964127
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net http://www.amctv.com/shows/the-killing


在这部谋杀 第二季剧情/犯罪片中,《谋杀》第二季于4月1日回归,杀害Rosie的凶手也将在第二季浮出水面。翻拍自大获成功的丹麦电视剧《Forbrydelsen》,讲述的是一个发生在西雅图的少女谋杀案以及警方的破案过程。该剧是2011年初AMC为全世界奉上的犯罪剧大餐,一经推出大受评论界和观众的追捧,独特的拍摄手法和叙事手法令人眼前一亮,在罪案剧中独树一帜。第二季中主演们围绕女主角Sarah Linden警探 (米瑞·伊诺丝 饰演)依次排开,气氛犹如海报下方深不见底的冰冷湖水,阴冷、沉郁、似乎有着莫名的忧伤隐藏其中。

Now aware that her partner has forged the key piece of evidence that led to the arrest of mayoral candidate Darren Richmond, Det. Linden again delays her departure. Linden tells her boss and he gives her the okay to continue the investigation. She is beginning to see the possibility of a larger conspiracy. Richmond is seriously injured and in a coma. His staffers Jamie and Gwen are at the hospital waiting for news from the doctors and are desperately trying to get in touch with his next-of-kin, his sister. Holder seems lost and doesn't quite understand what is going on. The police have arrested the shooter, who is Stan's employee Belko. At home Stan is having problems not only with Rosie's death but also with the fact that Mitch has left. He's stunned when Linden tells him Richmond is innocent and the charges will be dropped. He asks Terry to stay with them. At the police station, Belko has a run-in with the police.

他们没抓到“坏人”。不出第三季就是神作——关于结局与真相(严重剧透谨慎误食)。26天,每一天都不能少。真相的背后。人性污点。【剧透】第二季结束后***接受采访时谈到拍摄时的有关真凶的事情。一二季剧情整理。为什么不叫killed或murdered:因为死者已矣,killing的是生者。总拿这个跟 twin peaks 比。《谋杀》:大规模荡气回肠。

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