2013[火线警告 第七季]Burn Notice[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2016-05-12 / 发布时间:2016-05-12


【主演】: 杰弗里·多诺万/加布里埃尔·安瓦尔/布鲁斯·坎贝尔 /莎朗·格拉斯
【标签】: 剧情/动作
【原名】:Burn Notice
【评分】:豆瓣:8.6 ,IMDB:8.7
【IMDb链接】: tt2819596
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net http://www.usanetwork.com/series/burnnotice/


在这部火线警告 第七季剧情/动作片中,

Mike's CIA undercover task is to steal top-secret hardware from Defense with terrorist Pablo and get him over the Mexican border. Grandmother Madeline applies for full guardianship of late Nate's baby, but thus unwittingly confides enough information about Mike's CIA link for him to be traced. Sam and Jesse walk into a nearly fatal mine trap and discover the terrible link.

最后一集,每个人都说了一句片头的台词。人一旦牵扯到青春,就很难保持理智。20130916, s07e13, at final decision, make choice by inner preference, never regret, this is my life。20130908,s07e12, it is not a good time to switch side, but it is the worst time to stick to.。20130825,s07e11, when we find what we believe is just a lie, we lost.。20130820,s07e10, u r destined to be dead, not becauz u r a bad guy, just becauz u stand in sb.'s way。20130815,s07e09, more inspire! no betrayal, no cowardice.。20130814,s07e08, in our career, we have to execute sth morally wrong, make deal with the monster.。20130730, s07e07, live around lie so that believe the lie of oneself.。20130721,s07e6, it doesn't matter what your real motives are, you can never take it back.。

火线警告 第七季BT/迅雷/字幕/资源下载:

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