1956[德.莫图依斯]"Alfred Hitchcock Presents" De Mortuis[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2016-06-08 / 发布时间:2016-06-08


【导演】:Robert Stevens
【主演】: Robert Emhardt/Cara Williams
【标签】: 犯罪/剧情/悬疑
【片长】: 25
【原名】:"Alfred Hitchcock Presents" De Mortuis
【又名】:德.莫图依斯/De Mortuis
【评分】:豆瓣:7.4 ,IMDB:7.4
【IMDb链接】: tt0508147
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部德.莫图依斯犯罪/剧情/悬疑片中,Clarence Rankin's promiscuous wife Irene cheats on him constantly. Sadly, he knows nothing about it. One day, two of Clarence's friends stop by his house. They see him filling a large hole in his basement with cement. Since they don't see Irene, they believe that Clarence has found out about her cheating and killed her. Instead of going to the police, they talk to Clarence. They tell him that, given her cheating, his actions were probably justified. Clarence denies everything and says that his wife is on a trip. His friends leave after saying they will keep quiet. Later, Irene returns. Now knowing the truth, Clarence asks her to come down to the basement.

Professor Rankin's two buddies want to take the prof out fishing. But he doesn't seem to be home. They see that coffee is percolating, figure he's about to come back any minute, and wait for him. Meanwhile, they gossip about his wife. Much younger than the prof. A dish, they call her. She's also--though they don't use the word--a slut. Bud tells the story of the time she let a truck driver pick her up. Wally tells the story of the time she hit on him. They're just about to leave when they hear him down in the cellar. He's filling in a hole. The two men begin to suspect there's more in that hole than just cement.

Not as enticing as the original story。


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