1924[铁骑]The Iron Horse[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-11-25 / 发布时间:2017-03-07


【主演】: 乔治·奥布莱恩/玛奇·贝拉米/Charles Edward Bull/Cyril Chadwick
【标签】: 西部
【上映时间】: 1925-10-05
【片长】: 150min
【原名】:The Iron Horse
【评分】:豆瓣:7.5 ,IMDB:7.3
【IMDb链接】: tt0015016
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部铁骑西部片中,1862年林肯总统签署授权书,同意修建西部铁路。戴维的父亲是铁路线路的考察员,在考察西部路线的时候,发现了一条可以节省200英里的路线。但在那次考察途中被夏安族人杀害。在西部铁路的开发过程中,引来了许多中国人、意大利人、印第安人的抵抗和破坏,工人的罢工和抗议,人性的掠残忍与觉醒,历史的发展和趋势,本片可算是一部西部铁路开发史。 这部无声电影无论情节架构还是流畅度都堪算上乘,片中演员表演自然而到位。英俊的男主,美丽的女郎,久经考验的铁路,构成一幅气势恢然的画卷。

Springfield, Illinois. Brandon, a surveyor, dreams of building a railway to the west, but Marsh, a contractor, is sceptical. Abraham Lincoln looks on as their children, Davy Brandon and Miriam Marsh, play together. Brandon sets off with Davy to survey a route. They discover a new pass which will shave 200 miles off the expected distance, but they are set upon by a party of Cheyenne. One of them, a white renegade with only two fingers on his right hand, kills Brandon and scalps him. Davy buries his father... Years pass. It is 1862 and Lincoln signs the bill authorizing construction of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railways. Marsh is principal contractor and Miriam is engaged to Jesson, the chief engineer... Crews of Chinese, Italians, and Irish work to build the railway while resisting Indian attack. When the pay train is delayed by Indian ambush, the Italians go on strike. Miriam persuades them to return to work... Marsh needs to find a shortcut through the Black Hills. To finish on time, he needs to shorten the route by 200 miles. Bauman, the biggest land owner, wants the route to stay the same - through his land. Marsh has entrusted Jesson with finding the new route. Bauman has Ruby, a saloon girl, persuade Jesson to do otherwise... Davy, now a pony express rider, recalls his father's discovery. He sets off to find the pass. He goes alone, except for Jesson...



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