2014[时尚僧侣新视界]Monk With a Camera[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-10 / 发布时间:2017-03-29


【导演】:Tina Mascara
【主演】: The Dalai Lama/Khyongla Rinpoche/Nicky Vreeland/Alexander Vreeland
【标签】: 纪录片
【上映时间】: 2014-03-24
【片长】: 90
【原名】:Monk With a Camera
【评分】:豆瓣:8.2 ,IMDB:6.8
【IMDb链接】: tt3093520
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部时尚僧侣新视界纪录片片中,一則關於三千年藏傳佛教歷史首開先例任命西方人成為住持的故事。 身為著名時尚雜誌Vogue主編黛安娜‧佛里蘭(Diana Vreeland)的孫子,尼可拉斯‧佛里蘭(Nicholas Vreeland)從小出入許多國際名流活動,並且師承當時最著名的時尚攝影家厄文‧潘(Ir ving Pen)和理察‧阿維東(Richard Avendon)。但在三十歲時,他放棄上流社會的身份而選擇成為一位僧侶,從此擔任向西方傳播藏傳佛教文化的重要人物。他重新編輯XX喇嘛的著作並榮登紐約時代雜誌的暢銷排行榜,同時在2012年成為第一位被指派擔任藏傳佛教住持的西方人。 這部紀錄片跟隨佛里蘭(Vreeland)的靈性探索之旅,從紐約、米蘭、巴黎的美術館到北印度達蘭莎拉(Dharamsala)西藏流亡政府所在地,記錄他在不同城市舉辦攝影展的歷程。這趟旅程不僅讓大家思考藏傳文化的未來以及對西方世界的影響,同時也帶領大家在無常短暫的世界追尋美的真諦。攝影作品包括李察‧吉爾(Richard Gere)以及XX喇嘛尊者。

Nicholas Vreeland walked away from a worldly life of privilege to become a Tibetan Buddhist monk. Grandson of legendary Vogue editor, Diana Vreeland, and trained by Irving Penn to become a photographer, Nicholas' life changed drastically upon meeting a Tibetan master, one of the teachers of the Dalai Lama. Soon thereafter, he gave up his glamorous life to live in a monastery in India, where he studied Buddhism for fourteen years. In an ironic twist of fate, Nicholas went back to photography to help his fellow monks rebuild their monastery. Recently, the Dalai Lama appointed Nicholas as Abbot of the monastery, making him the first Westerner in Tibetan Buddhist history, to attain such a highly regarded position.



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