
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-11-29 / 发布时间:2017-06-07


【主演】: 把文翰/钱小华/庄崧冽/吴永红
【标签】: 纪录片
【上映时间】: 2017-06-10(中国大陆) / 2016-04-19(北京大学生电影节)
【片长】: 90
【又名】:Go with Your Gut
【评分】:豆瓣:7.2 ,IMDB:
【IMDb链接】: tt6055660
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部内心引力纪录片片中,这部纪实电影围绕“永不违背内心”的主题,通过2年的跟踪拍摄,讲述了7位国内独立品牌创始人关于生活、关于创业、关于挣扎的故事。他们或卑微或渺小,遭遇的境况、事业发展的阶段也不尽相同,但不论身在何种现实的境遇,在追求理想和乌托邦的道路上,他们依旧遵从自己的内心,为未知前路的事业探索,因为他们知道人生不能重来,不能庸庸碌碌地活着。 影片由多位当今优秀的创业者真实出演:食材网店店主把文翰、先锋书店创始人钱小华、雕刻时光咖啡馆创始人庄崧冽、SoLife家具店创始人吴永红、加拿大班夫山地电影节中国区创始人Tina、服装品牌“例外”和公共空间“方所”的创始人毛继鸿、自由执业医生集团创始人张强。

Go With Your Gut is documentary on the theme of how you should always follow your heart. It tells the stories of 7 Chinese independent domestic brand founders. The main characters are Mao Jihong, founder of Liwai clothing and the lifestyle brand Fang Suo; Zhuang Song Lie, founder of Sculpting in Time Café; Qian Xiaohua, founder of Librairie Avant-Garde Bookstore; Wu Yonghong, founder of SoLife Home; Ba Wenhan, founder of Ba Wenhan Online Food Store; Zhang Qiang, founder of Dr. Smile Medical Group; and Tina, founder of The Banff Film Festival (China). With a sense of dedication to their careers, these ordinary people walk the entrepreneurial path towards achieving their dreams. Some of them have already found success, such as Mao Jihong with his business model for a lifestyle brand, and Tina, who has been promoting extreme sports films for five years. However, there is also Zhuang Song Lie who is still searching for freedom and self-fulfillment after 20-years of hard work. Ba Wenhan ...

堂吉诃德很伟大,但是……。一部值得所有创业者走进影院来感同身受的电影。不是影评 5星不是满分是力荐。内心的强大才是真正的强大。成功是非常私人化的。滥俗的创业血泪史和鸡汤成功学。关于电影《内心引力》的一点思考。随便写写。其实最感动是种植咖啡那位大叔 创业真正是什么样的。The gravity of passion.。


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