
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-12-08 / 发布时间:2018-12-08


【主演】: 曹晟康
【标签】: 纪录片
【上映时间】: 2018-06-19(上海电影节)
【片长】: 93
【又名】:不完美的精彩/In My Eyes
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:
【IMDb链接】: tt7883438
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部盲行者纪录片片中,双目失明的曹晟康决定一个人环游世界。 自从在8岁那年的一场车祸中失去了视力之后,曹晟康也失去了家人的尊敬和关爱。但是他并没有像中国大多数被忽视的盲人那样选择躲避这个社会,相反,在黑暗的世界里,他用各种方式挑战着社会对盲人的歧视和偏见。他参加百米冲刺训练,练习帆板,现在更想独自一人环游世界。他认为在旅行当中能找到真正的自由和自我存在的价值,更能赢得所有人的尊重。但是在这一决定的背后,家人的压力、身边的各种怀疑也接踵而来。靠着一根盲杖、几句英语单词,他硬是在5年的时间里去到了6大洲的34个国家。一个看不到世界的盲人,执意于让这个世界看到他。

After losing his eyesight as an eight-year-old, Cao Shengkang was abused for years by his parents and relatives, all of whom regarded a blind child as an intolerable burden on the limited resources of a peasant family. It would be many years before Cao gradually learned to love again. Only after the birth of his young daughter; Fanfan did Cao finally begin to heal and rediscover what happiness feels like. All his adult life Cao has worked hard to send money home to his family, despite a lack of appreciation and constant demands for more from his parents. However, the central dilemma of Cao's life has little to do with his blindness. Cao finds himself caught between his longing for personal fulfillment and the traditional demands of Chinese society in which every man and woman is expected take responsibility for the well-being of their entire family - even at the expense of their own dreams and ambitions. And it's this seemingly irresolvable conflict that weighs most heavily on Cao's ...

有一种自卑,表现为极度地追求自尊。A deeply-moving film。平衡,幸福之道……。静静地看泡饭开。


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