
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-08-29 / 发布时间:2016-09-28


【主演】: 及川光博/黑木美沙/林遣都/阿部力
【标签】: 剧情
【又名】:恶货/Akka/Bad Money
【评分】:豆瓣:7.1 ,IMDB:
【IMDb链接】: tt3973810
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net http://www.wowow.co.jp/dramaw/akka/


在这部劣币剧情片中,完全在意外的情况下,日本警方发现市面上涌现了大量同号假钞。警视厅搜查二课的负责人日笠(丰原功补 饰)拜托擅长假钞鉴定的岛代一郎(林遣都 饰),结果发现这种新型假币仿真度极其之高,一旦流入市场将给日本经济造成重创。与此同时,日笠命令下属宫园绘里香(黑木明纱 饰)潜入张燕燕(富坚真 饰)经营的珠宝行,以调查此人洗钱的内幕。得到张燕燕信任的绘里香随之来到台湾,与名为野野宫冬彦(及川光博 饰)的商人洽谈,而野野宫及其幕后大老板郭解(石桥莲司 饰)正是高仿真假钞的制造者。所有人的命运都被搅在一起,关系日本经济生死的重要时刻到来了…… 本片根据岛田雅彦的同名原作改编。©豆瓣

Counterfeit money which no one is able to see through, is not counterfeit money any longer. The sophisticated counterfeit million yen bills which a homeless man picked up is being recirculated into the public and starts to ravage Japan in the same way a virus would. The fundamental value of money is overturned and in order to build a world not ruled by money, a man has just initiated an outrageous scheme. To find the source of the counterfeit notes, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department summons a genius appraiser, a specialist on counterfeit money. At the same time, Detective Erika Miyazono goes undercover at a jewelry store to investigate the store's connection with money laundering. During her investigation, she becomes aware of a big money investor, young millionaire Nonomiya and tries to approach him. And so she comes to know his true purpose and becomes involved in his plan.



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文件名 大小
Akka (2014) (848x480 x264) (Complete) 1.86 GB
KKA 6.01GB