
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2016-05-02 / 发布时间:2016-05-02


【主演】: 反町隆史/和久井映见/武田铁矢/宝生舞
【标签】: 剧情/爱情
【又名】:缘路有你(港)/处女之路/通往婚纱之路/Virgin Road
【评分】:豆瓣:8.4 ,IMDB:7.1
【IMDb链接】: tt0373646
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部通向婚纱之路剧情/爱情片中,自幼失去母亲的樱井和美(和久井映见 饰)被经营照相馆的父亲樱井光(武田铁矢 饰)一手带大。一直以来都听话乖巧的和美在成为公司职员后,突然有一天宣布要出国留学,这让顽固的父亲不知如何是好。 不久,在美国留学的和美收到了来自家里的信,信上说父亲病危,希望见和美最后一面。在返日的飞机上,和美因为吐了邻座男人一身,也因此和身边这位叫做吉见薰(反町隆史 饰)的自由职业者结识,和美拜托薰做她的一日未婚夫。回到家里的和美发现父亲精神饱满完全不似病人,原来这只是一场骗局。而父亲则发现一向乖巧的和美居然带了个男人回来,且宣告怀孕。一场喜剧故事就此展开……©豆瓣

To pursue her dreams, Sakurai Kazumi (Wakui Emi) quits her job and goes to New York to study jewelry design, against the objections of her naggy and stubborn but well-meaning father (Takeda Tetsuya). As part of remaking herself, she changes from spectacles to contact lenses, even though she has problems adapting to them. When she accidentally drops her contact lenses, a mysterious man helps prevent them from being stepped on, but he walks away before she can talk to him. Some years pass, and Kazumi is on a plane home after receiving a letter from her brother Taku saying their father is critically ill. She has morning sickness and has some run-ins on the plane with a sloppily-dressed man, and it is only when she drops her contacts and the man helps her in a similar way that she recognizes him (Sorimachi Takashi). She chases after him and asks, "would you like to do some work (arubaito)?" It turns out that Kazumi in her last letter from New York had written that she was in a ...

重温爱情童话——通向婚纱之路。你在身边,就是晴天。在记忆中,只有那么几部才能称得上“日剧”!。忘不了的年少回忆。最爱的一部日剧 没有之一。通向婚纱支路。重温virgin road。那个给你幸福的人。那些刻在青春里的日剧和安室奈美惠。。日剧《通向婚纱之路》。


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