2015[热血街区]HiGH&LOW-THE STORY OF S.W.O.R.D.-[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2016-05-12 / 发布时间:2016-05-12


【主演】: 黑泽良平/青柳翔/田崎敬浩/登坂广臣
【标签】: 动作
【评分】:豆瓣:7.2 ,IMDB:8.6
【IMDb链接】: tt5094726
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net http://high-low.jp


在这部热血街区动作片中,故事在这个传说中的街区拉开序幕。 曾经有一个名叫MUGEN的传说中的组织支配了这片区域,正因为他们具有压倒性的势力,这一带才得以统治 。然而 却有一对兄弟,不屈服于MUGEN,仅凭二人之力就与MUGEN平分秋色,他们就是雨宫兄弟。MUGEN因为某个事件突然解散了,雨宫兄弟也不知去向。随后,这个区域里冒出了五个组织。将每个组织的首字母组合起来就是SWORD ,因此这个区域也被称为SWORD区域。而这里的混混们则被称为G-SWORD。 山王街二代目斗殴屋山王联合会 诱惑的白色恶魔WHITE RASCALS 漆黑的凶恶高校鬼邪高 心狠手辣的街区亡灵RUDE BOYS 复仇的破坏一家达摩一家 这五个组织之间展开了一场赌上尊严的斗争。 故事始于山王联合会。以总长眼镜蛇为首,大和、阿檀、阿铁等个性十足的成员集结于山王联合会,几人的脑海中只有一个念头,就是守护这个街区。而在他们几个守护街区和平、努力避免不必要的冲突之人面前,出现了一名男子。而事态则因这名男子发生了巨大的变化,SWORD的平衡将被打破… (将中二进行到底,你值得拥有~)

The legend begins at a certain town that used to be under the rule of a legendary organization called "Mugen". And fighting against the rule of this town's overlords were two legendary brothers - the brutal and unbeatable Amamiya Brothers. And during a deadly battle, somehow the Mugen was suddenly dispersed... In the aftermath of the chaos, five organizations emerged, with the aim to take control of that area. As a result, this area came to be known as SWORD, an acronym attributed to the names of the five organizations, which all came to be referred to as "G-SWORD" accordingly. These 5 organizations include: the second generation of Sanno Shoten brawlers "Sanno Rengokai", the alluring white demons "White Rascals", the dark and brutal senior high school "Oya Koukou", the ghosts on the ruthless street "RUDE BOYS" and a group of vengeful destroyers "Daruma Gurentai." These 5 gangs will put their pride on the line as they engage in a fierce battle for dominance! However, the plot thickens...



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