1986[太空堡垒II:哨兵]Robotech II: The Sentinels[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2020-10-17 / 发布时间:2020-10-17


【导演】:Carl Macek
【主演】: Richard Epcar/Tony Oliver/Reba West/Melanie MacQueen/Greg Snegoff
【标签】: 科幻/动画
【片长】: 75
【原名】:Robotech II: The Sentinels
【评分】:豆瓣:7.7 ,IMDB:7
【IMDb链接】: tt0197828
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部太空堡垒II:哨兵科幻/动画片中,时间进入2020年,地球人与天顶星人战斗已经结束经年。以瑞克·卡特(Rick Hunter 配音)为首的远征军正在集结,太空堡垒3号(SDF-3)业已完工,新的时代即将来临。但是远征军的计划进行的颇为艰难,由于要带走地球上几乎全部的武装,军队内部争议重重。除此之外,瑞克还将面对个人问题。他即将和战争伴侣丽莎(Melanie MacQueen 配音)步入婚姻殿堂,与明美的爱恋也要随之落下帷幕。另一方面,由于天顶星人叛变与落败,机器人统治者离开泰洛星前往地球。在这一时刻,瑞金特率领的因维舰队入侵泰洛星,旨在寻找生命之花。瑞吉斯不满瑞金特的鲁莽举动,决定撇开他独自行动,新时代的战争由此拉开序幕……

In this movie consisting of the first three episodes of the abortive TV sequel series, we rejoin the characters of the first Macross portion of the series a couple of years after the destruction of Superdimensional Fortesses 1 and 2. Now, General Rick Hunter and Admiral Lisa Hayes are making the final preparations for a crucial intersteller expedition to the Robotech Masters' world of Tirol using the newly built SDF-3. This immense task is further complicated by preparations for their wedding which they agreed would be on the new ship just before it launches. Unknown to them however, the Robotech Masters are already enroute to Earth in a long voyage to reclaim the desperately needed protoculture energy supply that was hidden in SDF-1 and won't arrive for years. With their absence, the Invid, lead by the male leader of that enemy race to the Masters, the Regent, is attacking that weakened planet. He hopes to recover the stolen protoculture supply there, or at least exact genocidal ...


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