2011[戴着婚戒]With This Ring[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2017-08-26 / 发布时间:2017-08-26


【导演】:Michael Jacoby
【主演】: Justin Misenhelder/Greg Engbrecht
【标签】: 同性
【上映时间】: 2011(美国)
【片长】: 12
【原名】:With This Ring
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:7.2
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部戴着婚戒同性片中,一个年轻男子带回家一个性感的陌生人,并认为和他在床上的感觉很特殊,但却渐渐意识到这个陌生人没他想得那么简单。这个揽在臂膀里的男人和他正在办离婚的老公有关系吗?他永恒爱情的梦想到最后也不过变成了黑夜中的一声枪响。 这是一部一反常规的12分钟短片,探讨了同志婚姻的黑暗面。它表达了这样一个观点:平等意味着加入主流社会阶级的同时,既有权利结婚,也有权利离婚。离婚也会伴随而来一系列无法预料的后果。

A young man brings home a sexy stranger and realizes the spark they are feeling in bed might be something special. As the night progresses the young man begins to think that there may be more to this encounter than he had thought. With This Ring is a 13 minute short film that takes a dark look at gay marriage. This is the tale of one man's realization that the dream of eternal and lasting love may be nothing more than a shot in the dark. Paying homage to Film Noir, With This Ring explores the perceived notion that equality means joining the ranks of the mainstream, who not only have the right to marry, but also have the right to divorce; and with divorce comes a whole host of unexpected consequences.


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