
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-12-13 / 发布时间:2019-12-11


【导演】:Babubhai Mistri
【主演】: Abhi Bhattacharya/Pradeep Kumar/Dara Singh/Padmini
【标签】: 剧情
【片长】: 163
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:7
【IMDb链接】: tt0242636
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0242636/


在这部摩诃婆罗多剧情片中,1965年摩诃婆罗多电影版,片长163分钟。基于印度大史诗《摩诃婆罗多》改编,剧情从象城王子比武开始,到俱卢大战、坚战登基剧终。 象城前国王般度早逝,现任国王为般度兄长持国。般度有五子,长子坚战;持国有百子,长子难敌。众王子成年后,象城立坚战为王储。难敌为王位设计谋害五子,五子自紫胶宫大火中生还,之后隐姓埋名。般遮罗国黑公主选婿,般度三子阿周那通过考验。五子返回象城,为避免争端,象城分裂国土,难敌得到象城,五子得到荒僻的甘味林。五子建都天帝城。天帝城的繁华和受到的嘲笑使难敌怀恨在心,他与母舅沙恭尼合谋,设下赌局,使坚战输掉了王国、财富、兄弟、自己以及黑公主。难敌在象城朝堂上羞辱黑公主。 赌局后五子需在森林中度过十二年,第十三年则隐匿。十三年后五子要求返还王国,以黑天为使者出使象城,只要求五个村庄。难敌扬言针尖大的地方也不会给般度五子,宁可开战。俱卢大战爆发。 本片中,Abhi Bhattacharya扮演奎师那,Pradeep Kumar扮演阿周那,Dara Singh扮演怖军,Padmini扮演黑公主。

Pandu and Dhirtrashtra are two brothers who rule Hastinapur. Pandu gets married to Kunti, who conceives five sons and names them Yudhister, Bhimsen, Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev, while Dhirtrashtra, who is blind, gets married to Gandhari, and gives birth to a 100 sons, including Duryodhan and Dushasan. Gandhari's brother, Shakuni, also resides with them. After Pandu passes away, Dhirtrashtra decides to bequeath the empire to Yudhister much to the chagrin of Duryodhan, who plots with Shakuni to kill them in a palace made of wax, but the brothers and Kunti manage to escape and live incognito in a forest where Bhimsem meets with, Hidimba, slays her demon brother, Hidimb, gets married to her and sires a son, an illusionist, Ghatotkach. The brothers do reveal their identity when Arjun wins a competition at Panchal to wed Draupadi defeating Duryodhan, Dushashan, Jarasandh and others. Kunti unwittingly asks the brothers to share Draupadi, as she had in a previous birth as Devi Maa Parvati, prayed...


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