2002[尼库拉斯之心]The Nature of Nicholas[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-10 / 发布时间:2016-05-09


【导演】:Jeff Erbach
【主演】: Jeff Sutton/David Turnbull/Ardith Boxall
【标签】: 剧情/爱情/同性
【上映时间】: 2003-03-10
【片长】: 90
【原名】:The Nature of Nicholas
【评分】:豆瓣:6.8 ,IMDB:6.2
【IMDb链接】: tt0305882
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部尼库拉斯之心剧情/爱情/同性片中,The Nature of Nicholas is a surreal fable that follows twelve-year-old Nicholas as he struggles with an intense attraction to his best friend, Bobby. Nicholas is obsessed with his friend Bobby. Bobby's feelings are less clear. At times he seems to share Nicholas's fascination, but then appears more interested in making inroads with the girls at school. All this leaves young Nicholas very confused. When images of Nicholas's absent father start to appear to him, the boy is understandably frightened. This curious figure gives Nicholas the impression he is pressing his young son closer to the girls in his life and away from Bobby. This only leads to increased anxiety and fear in Nicholas. Fearing that Bobby is drifting away from him, Nicholas takes a chance and kisses him. Bobby is taken aback and storms out. Because of his shame, Bobby undergoes a type of 'splitting' where a decrepit, ghoulish version of him is separated from his healthy self. Nicholas is immediately drawn to this gruesome Bobby, and begins to secretly take care of the creature. However, Nicholas cannot keep the creature hidden forever and must eventually face his own feelings.

The Nature of Nicholas is a surreal fable that follows twelve-year-old Nicholas as he struggles with an intense attraction to his best friend, Bobby. Nicholas is obsessed with his friend Bobby. Bobby's feelings are less clear. At times he seems to share Nicholas's fascination, but then appears more interested in making inroads with the girls at school. All this leaves young Nicholas very confused. When images of Nicholas's absent father start to appear to him, the boy is understandably frightened. This curious figure gives Nicholas the impression he is pressing his young son closer to the girls in his life and away from Bobby. This only leads to increased anxiety and fear in Nicholas. Fearing that Bobby is drifting away from him, Nicholas takes a chance and kisses him. Bobby is taken aback and storms out. Because of his shame, Bobby undergoes a type of 'splitting' where a decrepit, ghoulish version of him is separated from his healthy self. Nicholas is immediately drawn to this gruesome Bobby, and begins to secretly take care of the creature. However, Nicholas cannot keep the creature hidden forever and must eventually face his own feelings.


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The Nature of Nicholas (2002)‪ - Pelicula Online 正片 www.fulltv.com.ar 播放
尼古拉斯之心 The Nature of Nicholas (2002)‪ 正片 土豆 播放
尼古拉斯之心 The Nature of Nicholas (2002)‪ 正片 56网 播放