2004[兽性斗室]Ett hål i mitt hjärta[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-10 / 发布时间:2016-05-09


【主演】: 托尔斯滕·弗林克/Sanna Brading/Bjorn Almroth/Goran Marjanovic
【标签】: 剧情/恐怖
【上映时间】: 2004-09-17
【片长】: 98
【原名】:Ett hål i mitt hjärta
【又名】:A Hole in My Heart/兽性斗室
【评分】:豆瓣:5.2 ,IMDB:4.6
【IMDb链接】: tt0381682
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部兽性斗室剧情/恐怖片中,The heart is no longer burning ?Moodysson (Lilya 4-Ever) blowtorched it to oblivion. An irreparable relationship between a father, an amateur pornographer, and his introverted son starts the film, followed by the entrance of a haunted macho man and a budding adult actress. From here, it regresses to graphic sex, drugs and beyond as each display their cruelty via scenes of gynaecological surgeries, uncensored rape and utter humiliation. This raw, angst-filled indictment of the decline of Western civilization takes the themes in his previous films to the extreme, mocking a world where reality TV, greed and violence have utterly destroyed the foundation of all our relationships. 當今導演後起之秀中,穆迪臣是最敢於拆破框框的一個,前作《對面的女孩看過來》與《永遠的微笑》(27屆)風格殊異,但有一共通點:都在測試電影極限。這一部走得更遠。鹹片錄像導演找來忽得男女,在侷促單位內跟 DV困獸鬥,三人無遮大會加酒精作用,變成比薩德筆下還要厲害的性虐行徑-不避核突無懼性器官切割。鄰房的自閉兒子活在如此瘋癲病態裏,更無藥可救。影片散發難以言喻的怪異氣氛,身處其間的導演亦難以把持。觀眾要有全新體驗,最好的心態是豁出去。呼之欲出的批判,當然是歐美成行成市的電視真人show。去年各大小影展話題作。 Source: 29th HKIFF (2005)

In a decript apartment, a young man watches as his father and a friend shoot an amateur porn film. Issues of morality, reality TV and friendship are explored.

任我盛放 颓废中那媚态。oh tell me what you see....。


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