2005[蛋白石之梦]Opal Dream[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-07-17 / 发布时间:2016-05-10


【导演】:Peter Cattaneo
【主演】: Vince Colosimo/Jacqueline McKenzie/Christian Byers/Sapphire Boyce
【标签】: 剧情/家庭
【上映时间】: 2006-09-16
【片长】: Australia: 85 /USA: 86
【原名】:Opal Dream
【又名】:Pobby and Dingan (UK)/Le secret de Kelly-Anne
【评分】:豆瓣:7.9 ,IMDB:6.7
【IMDb链接】: tt0420835
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部蛋白石之梦剧情/家庭片中,本片由人气童话《我的隐形朋友》改编。一个关於存在於想像世界朋友的感动故事。8岁的Kellyanne有一个非常理想主义的父亲Rex,他是蛋白石矿的矿工。Kellyanne的母亲和11岁的哥哥支撑着这个家。她非常爱她的父母和哥哥。但是,除此之外,她还有两个非常要好的朋友Pobby和Dingan,有一天她发现她的两个死党不见了,身边所有人的生活从此起了不寻常的变化。女孩为此而生病了,原本怀疑妹妹失踪朋友真实性的哥哥开始著急,并发起全镇寻人的活动… 获迪纳尔英国电影节Hitchcock导演金奖提名

A young Australian girl living in a small rural mining town prefers the company of her two imaginary friends, Pobby and Dingan, to real children. She ends up looking awkward during social gatherings and her only tangible friend is her older brother, Ashmol, who finds Pobby and Dingan annoying and often makes fun of them because he's embarrassed by his sister's behavior. Kelly-Anne's and Ashmol's father is an opal miner trying to earn a living, and their mother is busy trying to fit in as a member of the community. Both parents agree that it's time for Kelly-Ann to move on and leave her fantasy world behind - but when they force her to grow up too fast with a hasty decision, Pobby and Dingan are killed and Kelly-Ann falls into a grief-stricken illness. The only one who can set things right is Ashmol.

波比与丁根。最喜欢你灿烂的笑容。非常美的童话,不是么?。原来不是爱情片。仅以此片纪念我们失去的。只要堅持自己所相信的 一切都美好。


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