2011[唐顿庄园:2011圣诞特别篇]Downton Abbey: Christmas at Downton Abbey[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2017-09-23 / 发布时间:2016-05-11


【主演】: 罗伯特·巴瑟斯特/休·博纳维尔/布兰登·柯伊尔/琼安·弗洛加特
【标签】: 剧情
【上映时间】: 2011-12-25(英国)
【片长】: 93
【原名】:Downton Abbey: Christmas at Downton Abbey
【又名】:唐顿庄园:唐顿圣诞节/Downton Abbey: Christmas Special 2011
【评分】:豆瓣:9.2 ,IMDB:9.1
【IMDb链接】: tt2013429
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net http://www.itv.com/downtonabbey/


在这部唐顿庄园:2011圣诞特别篇剧情片中,处在贝茨先生(布兰登•柯伊尔 Brendan Coyle 饰)受审一事阴霾中的唐顿庄园迎来了1919年的圣诞节。战争虽已过去,但影响仍在持续。房屋能被装饰一新,但唐顿人的心情却仍无法放晴。大小姐玛丽(米歇尔•道克瑞 Michelle Dockery 饰)觉得和理查德的婚姻不会幸福,但仍然决定继续;马修(丹•史蒂文斯 Dan Stevens 饰)仍对拉维尼娅的死感到愧疚;老爷(休•博内威利 Hugh Bonneville 饰)得知了玛丽不得不嫁给理查德的原因。尽管烦恼的事不断,但仍有好事传来。茜玻(杰西卡•布朗-芬德利 Jessica Brown-Findlay 饰)写信来告知了自己怀孕一事;被宣判死刑的贝茨因为证据不足改为了无期徒刑。新年晚会在贝茨的好消息中如期举行。新的一年即将来临,一切都在变化中,包括马修和玛丽的关系…… 第三季将于2012年9月16日于当地时间首播。©豆瓣

At Christmas 1919 the Crawleys welcome Edith's former suitor Sir Anthony, now a war invalid, who tells her that he is too old for her, and Robert's sister Rosamund with her beau, the raffish Lord Hepworth. Sybil writes to announce her pregnancy. After Carlisle's selfish attitude towards the servants and his jealousy when Mary accompanies Matthew to visit Lavinia's grave, Robert prises from his wife the fact that the newspaper baron is effectively blackmailing his daughter into marriage to keep her secret and, on her father's advice, Mary breaks off the engagement, knowing that the angry Carlisle will now probably expose the family. Aware that Hepworth is penniless, Violet unsuccessfully tries to warn Rosamund against marriage but Rosamund is determined to go ahead with the wedding - until she catches her fiancé in bed with her maid. Things do not go well for John, on trial for killing Vera, though Robert and Matthew vow to contest his life imprisonment. Upstairs and downstairs at Downton are all shaken by his fate, even O'Brien, though Thomas schemes to ingratiate himself and become the new valet. On the eve of the servants' ball, Mrs Patmore uses a little chicanery - and a Ouija board - to help Daisy assuage her guilt over William whilst at the ball itself a long overdue marriage proposal is made - and accepted.



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唐顿庄园 2011圣诞特别篇 正片 土豆 播放
唐顿庄园 2011圣诞特别篇 正片 土豆 播放