
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2016-05-11 / 发布时间:2016-05-11


【导演】:Lee Soong-hwan
【主演】: Jeong Seong-hoon/Yoo Ok-joo
【标签】: 剧情/情色
【上映时间】: 2011-05-03(韩国)
【片长】: 70
【又名】:Dream Affection
【评分】:豆瓣:3.3 ,IMDB:2.9
【IMDb链接】: tt2782694
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部梦精爱剧情/情色片中,民友和妍珠恋爱多年,终于修成正果步入了婚姻的殿堂。漫长的时间消磨着两人对于彼此的激情与爱情,尽管仍然维持着表面的平和,但夫妻两人的婚姻显然已经名存实亡。多银是民友和妍珠共同的好友,一次偶然中,她目睹了妍珠同其他男人约会的场景,这让她和民友之间的距离越来越近。 一个是压抑苦闷的男人,一个是善良天真的女人,随着时间的推移,民友和多银最终还是越过了道德的底线,在翻云覆雨的一夜过后,民友却陷入了震惊之中,因为他发现,现在所发生的一切,竟然曾经在自己的梦境之中出现过。在两个女人之间徘徊的民友会做出怎样的抉择呢?©豆瓣

One day she faintly appears in Min-woo's dream. Min-woo has no way to find out who the girl he had intercourse with in his dream is and he doesn't have the breadth of mind to. Min-woo's life goes by dryly and his wife Yeon-joo becomes colder and conflicts with her get deeper. Trying to avoid these situations Min-woo tries hard to tune in with Yeon-joo and write down his resume. Da-eun is a close friend of the couple since university. She sees Yeon-joo heading for somewhere with another man that's not Min-woo accidentally. Da-eun stands by Min-woo and holds his hand because he looks so lonely standing in the middle of conflict with his wife and he tries to act like nothing's wrong. They end up having a dreamlike one night. The love they shared in his dream is now facing them.



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