
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2019-11-06 / 发布时间:2019-02-11


【导演】:Rajeev Virani
【主演】: Bobby Deol/Jyoti Dogra/Salim Fatehi/Mugdha Godse
【标签】: 恐怖/惊悚
【上映时间】: 2010-08-13
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:4.4
【IMDb链接】: tt1663647
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部救命恐怖/惊悚片中,《救命》讲述了一个恐怖幽灵拒绝离开人间,想要伺机报复,将自己所受的苦难强加给其他人的恐怖故事 。 主角Vic(Bobby Deol饰)是一名事业有成的宝莱坞恐怖片导演,他与Pia(Mugdha Godse)成了婚。 Pia和Vic的婚姻正走到不顺之途时,他们不得不赶去毛里求斯照料Pia生病的父亲。当他们到达毛里求斯 , 回到过去的老房子时,Pia必须面对她遥远的过去 ,因为她5岁时就离开了这里。 他们不知道在这间老房子里他们会遇见什么,这里有个神秘而古老的东西在安静地等待他们。它隐藏在黑 影中,时刻准备着发起报复。 Pia发现自己怀孕后,这个恶灵便附在了Pia身上,开始以残忍的手段杀死她身边的人。随着黑暗力量的蔓延,恶灵越来越肆无忌惮,妄图消灭任何阻挡它的事物。现在Vic必须要与死神赛跑,将自己怀孕的妻子从恶灵手中救出来。 原来,附身Pia的恶灵是在五岁时不幸身亡的Pia的孪生姐妹Dia。他们向著名的心理学家Aditya Motwani 教授求助,而Vic必须在36小时内找出Pia家族背后深藏的凶杀狂人的秘密。这个神秘的第三者给他们下了诅咒,Vic必须打破它。他能否在Aditya的帮助下, 用他对Pia的爱挽救自己的亲人?他们将见证怎样的惊悚事实?敬请期待……

"HELP" is a supernatural horror thriller which draws upon the story of a malevolent spirit that refuses to leave the human world and is out to exact retribution for past crimes committed against it. Protagonist Vic (Bobby Deol) is a successful horror film director in Bollywood and is married to Pia (Mugdha Godse). Pia and Vic are going through a difficult time in their marriage and in the midst of these troubled times they have to suddenly rush to Mauritius to take care of Pia's ailing father. On landing in Mauritius and going back to Pia's old family home Pia is confronted by her distant past which she has not had to face since she left Mauritius as a young 5 year old. Little do they know that there's something in this house. Something ancient and dark that remains hidden and silent. It can only wait, having been concealed in the shadows for years, poised to strike again. When Pia finds out that she is pregnant this darkly vicious spirit possesses Pia and starts to brutally kill the ...


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