2004[难逃魔掌]Jesus Christ: Serial Rapist[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2016-09-21 / 发布时间:2016-09-21


【导演】:Bill Zebub
【主演】: Niki Rubin/Yelena Sabel/Kerri Taylor
【标签】: 犯罪
【上映时间】: 2004
【片长】: 97
【原名】:Jesus Christ: Serial Rapist
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:2.4
【IMDb链接】: tt0438883
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部难逃魔掌犯罪片中,A schizophrenic man who believes he is Jesus kidnaps women who refuse to believe his delusion He videotapes himself with these women he has tied up in various states of bondage. He sends videotapes to the media labeled "Gospels of Blood," which are just photographs of naked women in bondage, usually crucified in some way, with the camera panning and zooming over the photos. These photographs account for more than half of the running time. There is no diegetic sound, only a few title cards, although there is a soundtrack of heavy metal music

A schizophrenic man who believes he is Jesus kidnaps women who refuse to believe his delusion He videotapes himself with these women he has tied up in various states of bondage. He sends videotapes to the media labeled "Gospels of Blood," which are just photographs of naked women in bondage, usually crucified in some way, with the camera panning and zooming over the photos. These photographs account for more than half of the running time. There is no diegetic sound, only a few title cards, although there is a soundtrack of heavy metal music.


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