
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-11-10 / 发布时间:2016-10-06


【导演】:Peter Mullan
【主演】: Gary Lewis/Vicki Masson/Laurie Ventry/Steven Singleton
【标签】: 短片
【上映时间】: 1995
【片长】: 20
【评分】:豆瓣:7.9 ,IMDB:7.1
【IMDb链接】: tt0142301
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部冰箱短片片中,城市一隅,颓废破败。顽皮孩子乔纳(Max McIlmunn 饰)看到哭泣的爱丽丝(Vicki Masson 饰),心生恐惧,躲进了被人丢弃的大冰箱里。乔纳的两个朋友欺负流浪汉查理(Laurie Ventry 饰),被爱丽丝的男友鲁迪(Gary Lewis 加里•刘易斯 饰)训斥。其中一个孩子恶作剧,盖上了冰箱门。鲁迪试图放出乔纳,但冰箱门卡住无法打开。 冰箱内的氧气将尽,乔纳渐渐失去意识,鲁迪和爱丽丝想尽一切办法,气急败坏的鲁迪愤然离去,只有爱丽丝守护者命运未卜的男孩。楼群里所有的人都在注视,所有的人又都无视……©豆瓣

***WARNING-MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*** 'Fridge' takes place in the back yard of a Glasgow tenement. Two Neds are harassing a drunken 'jaikie' and an inebriated resident confronts them. A stand off takes place until one of the Neds shuts a young boy in an abandoned fridge. They leave but threaten to return and burn down the tenement. The residents try to open the fridge but are unsuccessful. Panic initially sets in as they fear the young boy will die. They try to find someone to phone the fire brigade but cannot. They sit down on the back steps and continue to drink from a half bottle of Buckfast Tonic Wine. They begin to bicker and the male loses his temper and sets off in search of more alcohol. His partner sits by the fridge and tries to comfort the trapped child. The 'jaikie' attacks and badly beats the woman. Her partner returns in a more drunken state and seeing the ongoing beating, attacks the 'jaikie'. One of the Neds returns and is told of the trapped child. With the Ned's help, they finally force the fridge open and find the boy unconscious. The Ned revives him and carries him home. The drunken resident has by this time discovered that the Ned returned with a can of lighter-fuel, obviously with arson in mind. The Fire Service arrives a little while later and the drunks deny that there had ever been anyone trapped. A neighbour, watching from a window above had called them.



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