• 流动


    /科幻/英语/Jeremiah Jones/Whitney Able/Frances Shaw/Katherine Waterston

    An elliptical tale of three couples who are magnetically drawn together. Love becomes electric as they struggle to connect, disconnect, or reconnect with their partner.

    2020-02-17 16
  • Sands of Sarasvati

    [2011]Sands of Sarasvati[豆瓣0分]


    2020-02-16 13
  • Modern Prometheus LLC

    [2005]Modern Prometheus LLC[豆瓣0分]


    2020-02-14 19
  • Fembot


    /科幻//Vance Crofoot/珍妮弗·布兰克/崔斯坦·瑞斯克/卡蒂琳·基茨/Emma Julia Jacobs/Daniel Quinn/Alyssa Lobit/Nikita Black/Martin Richard Kristek/Alexander Schlotty/Rachelle Adrien

    2020-02-15 18
  • 思维游戏


    /科幻/英语/Keith Barnfather/


    2020-02-16 20
  • Portal


    /科幻/惊悚/奇幻/英语/Mark Ashmore/Clay Whitter/Vicky Connett/Chelsea Edge/Danny Ryder/Chris Kerry/Phillip Mulhern/Kelly Efthymiou/Darren Langford/Michael S. Siegel/内森·海德/Mia Vore/Mark Hill/Terence J Corbett/Ranj Nagra/Shireen Ashton

    The ultimate legal high 'Portal' part drug, part social network, just got banned - what happens when the 'lost generation' loses its means to escape.

    2020-02-14 22
  • 长夜的秘密


    The Mystery of Eternal Night (Russian 'Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea') / Taina vechnoi nochi/科幻/俄語/Дмитрий Васильев/

    2020-02-16 18
  • 核心家系


    /科幻/英语/Kyle Rankin/Corin Nemec/Ray Wise/Danielle Harris

    2020-02-15 19
  • Transit Conjunction

    [2017]Transit Conjunction[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/悬疑/惊悚/短片/挪威语 Norwegian/Jonas Reed/Fredrik Waldeland/Thomas Aske Berg/Karin Hodne

    A loving husband is forced to defend his homestead from alien forces after his spouse is abducted for no apparent reason. Will he be able to reunite with his darling wife...

    2020-02-15 18
  • 脑力坍塌


    赤裸是最好的伪装 / Naked Is the Best Disguise/科幻//塞德里克·吉门内兹/

    塞德里克·吉门内兹([法国缉毒风云])将执导格拉汉姆·摩尔([模仿游戏])编剧的新片[脑力坍塌](Mind Fall,暂译)。该片原名[赤裸是最好的伪装],故事讲述在未来世界,一项新技术可以使...

    2020-02-12 35
  • 宇宙无限



    A man wakes up inside a spacesuit tumbling helplessly through space, with a computer designed to keep him company until his air runs out, trying to solve the mystery of h...

    2020-02-10 17
  • 2101


    /科幻/英语/Kyle Misak/Revon Yousif/Ben Furney/玛丽·布莱姬/加里·马歇尔/Robert Wax/Tahachi Hardrick

    While exploring an abandoned facility, three friends discover a device that holds information about the future. Now they must learn how to use it while also keeping it fr...

    2020-02-16 18
  • Vader: A Star Wars Theory Fan Film

    [2018]Vader: A Star Wars Theory Fan Film[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/英语/Danny Ramirez/Steven T. Bartlett/Jesse Gomez/Dupree Jones/Bradley Klein/Marik Knight/Catherine LaSalle

    Darth Vader fights between losing Padmé and serving the new master who promised to save her - plus the return of Mace Windu.

    2020-02-13 29
  • 控制者



    伊朗裔美国导演Saman Kesh曾拍过短片电影《控制者》(Controller),后者讲述了一个女孩操控她的男朋友解救自己的故事,目前20世纪福克斯已经买下这部短片的电影长片版权,将让Saman ...

    2020-02-11 19
  • 偷偷摸摸的日子


    /科幻/英语/Hilary Brougher/Terumi Matthews/Nicole Zaray/Belinda Becker

    2020-02-16 47
  • Twin Reflex

    [2013]Twin Reflex[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/悬疑/惊悚/英语/David M. Altrogge/Jack Culbertson/Emily Brooks/Hank Fodor

    2020-02-16 15
  • 日食


    /科幻/动画/短片//De Théo GUIGNARD/Nöé LECOMBRE/Hugo MORENO/


    2020-02-13 22
  • 飞向火星


    /科幻/英语/Lesley Selander/马格瑞特·查普曼/卡梅隆·米切尔/阿瑟·弗兰兹/弗吉尼娅·休斯顿/约翰·利特尔

    Five astronauts successfully fly to Mars where they encounter seemingly friendly and advanced inhabitants who harbor covert plans to use their ship to invade Earth.

    2020-02-12 26
  • 龙骑士:波恩年史



    由华纳兄弟公司制作发行的奇幻电影《龙骑士:波恩年史》(Dragonriders of Pern)近日选定编剧,小说家、剧作家莎拉·康威尔(Sarah Cornwell)将负责把安妮·麦卡芙瑞(Anne McCaffr...

    2020-02-11 22
  • Another Trip to the Moon

    [2004]Another Trip to the Moon[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/短片/英语/Timothy Gassen/Guy Castonguay/Frances Feld/Joe Jones/Steve McKee/Jess Riggle

    A British time traveler must convince a failed astronaut to repair a vintage spaceship and voyage back to 1951 to save his own Father.

    2020-02-11 16
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