• 身后事


    /悬疑/惊悚/恐怖/匈牙利语/Péter Bergendy/Viktor Klem/Fruzsina Hais/朱迪特·谢尔/Andrea Ladányi/佐尔特·安格尔/加博尔·瑞维斯基/加布里瑞拉·哈默里/András Balogh/迪亚·麦格唐娜·凯斯/玛丽·纳吉/伊尔迪科·托特/Eszter Kiss/Tamás Miklós Hajdu/Kristóf Mucsi/Erik Gyarmati/István Fazekas/Áron Dimény/Márta Szabó/比约恩·弗赖贝格


    2021-07-21 233
  • Isolados


    /悬疑/惊悚/恐怖//Tomas Portella/

    A couple, Lauro and Renata, travels to a remote area surrounded by rain forest in Rio De Janeiro. Once they are there, Lauro is told by a bar owner that gruesome murders ...

    2021-07-20 11
  • Photo Taken

    [2009]Photo Taken[豆瓣0分]

    /悬疑/惊悚/短片/英语/Jim Stevens/

    2021-07-18 11
  • Wingrave


    /悬疑/恐怖/英语/Ahmed Khalifa/Ashraf Hamdi/Diana Brauch/Karim Higazy

    Three of the most challenging experiences that Parapsychologist Henry Wingrave ever faced that involve madness, death and the restless dead.

    2021-07-22 10
  • The Escapists

    [2008]The Escapists[豆瓣0分]

    /悬疑/短片/英语/Andrew Gori/Victoria Hale/Davis Hall/Nicole Quinn

    2021-07-13 14
  • Mortem


    /悬疑/惊悚/法语/Eric Atlan/Daria Panchenko/Diana Rudychenko/斯塔尼·科佩

    2021-07-22 11
  • 会面的房子


    Дом свиданий / Rendez-vous House/悬疑/俄语/Vadim Derbenyov/Elena Khmelnitskaya/拉莉莎·波尔雅科娃/米哈伊尔·日加洛夫

    1991年苏联行将解体之时,莫斯科电影公司电视片制片厂出品了一部电视电影《会面的房子Дом свиданий》,讲述莫斯科城外富庶庄园里一座为上层人物会面而设的神秘会所里发生...

    2021-07-13 17
  • Di Sini Ada Yang Mati

    [2013]Di Sini Ada Yang Mati[豆瓣0分]


    Sarah, Jasmine, and Lydia always help each other if one is hit by the problem. At one point, Lydia complained to Jasmine and Sarah that she was expecting. The child was t...

    2021-07-22 10
  • Nightmare


    /悬疑/恐怖/短片/英语/Ali Farsangi/Dheemanth Orekondy/András Borbély/Makar Ulitin

    Ben is obsessed with his recurring nightmare. He is trying to get over it while the nightmare is disturbing him all the time, even when he is awake.

    2021-07-13 17
  • Stormy Crossing

    [1958]Stormy Crossing[豆瓣0分]

    /悬疑/英语/C.M. Pennington-Richards/约翰·爱尔兰

    2021-07-21 13
  • 伊登旅馆


    恐慌旅馆/悬疑/惊悚/恐怖/英语/Andreas Prodromou/

    A young family are stranded at the Eden Lodge. The people they meet are being killed one by one. They must fight to save their marriage, their family, and most of all the...

    2021-07-11 12
  • 销魂贼


    The Sexy Thief/悬疑/粤语/胡鹏/曹达华/陈丽/陈天纵/陈倩如

    2021-07-21 11
  • 终结之路


    Vazhiye / Eventual / Trail/悬疑/惊悚/恐怖/马拉雅拉姆语 Malayalam/Nirmal Baby Varghese/Jeffin Joseph/Aswathi Anil Kumar/Varun Ravindran

    When two vloggers decide to make a documentary film about a mysterious land, they are soon confronted with havoc and hell they could never expect.

    2021-07-10 10
  • 贼


    Krazha/悬疑/犯罪/俄语/Александр Гордон/Олег Борисов/Эдуард Марцевич/Зинаида Воркуль

    2021-07-21 10
  • 魅杀


    /悬疑/犯罪/印地语/Vinil Mathew/塔丝·潘努/维金兰特·马西/汉西卡·莫瓦妮/Harsh Chhaya/哈什瓦汉·拉纳/Mayank Kumar Mishra


    2021-07-09 134
  • Slasher Night

    [2017]Slasher Night[豆瓣0分]

    /悬疑/惊悚/恐怖/英语/Manny Velazquez/

    2021-07-20 11
  • 门锁


    The Door Lock / 中国版门锁/剧情/惊悚/犯罪/汉语普通话/别克/白百何/白客/范丞丞/王紫璇/马浴柯/刘欢/刘頔/吕晓霖/沙宝亮/朱泳腾/杜若溪/郭佳伊/金車厘子

    单身貌美的方卉(白百何 饰),独自在大城市打拼,过着两点一线的生活。一天夜里,她突然听见门外有人暴力拉拽门把手试图闯入。虽然没有看清门外是谁,但通过保安小吴得知,自己楼层...

    2021-07-09 156
  • Los hombres que ríen

    [2000]Los hombres que ríen[豆瓣0分]

    /悬疑/短片/犯罪/西班牙语/Miguel Ángel Cárcano/

    2021-07-21 10
  • Disturbed


    /悬疑/惊悚/恐怖/英语/Yegavaani Parmason/Nakkeeran Parry/Nakkeeran Parry/Olivia Kate

    2021-07-09 10
  • 2/6 02:32:09

    [2004]2/6 02:32:09[豆瓣0分]

    /悬疑/恐怖/短片/Swedish/Simon Möller/Amanda Wickman/Josefin Karlsson/Björn Malmgren/Simon Möller

    2021-07-02 11
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