• Black Coffee

    [2020]Black Coffee[豆瓣0分]

    /爱情/短片/英语/Vito Lyles/Anthony DeCarlo/Charlotte Evelyn Williams/Kenneth Jaffe

    2024-03-23 12
  • The Prodigal

    [1931]The Prodigal[豆瓣0分]


    2024-03-26 14
  • Uma Tia da Pesada

    [2019]Uma Tia da Pesada[豆瓣0分]

    /家庭/奇幻/冒险//Luan Moreno/

    A Brazilian researcher, Fatima Maria, returns to Brazil to investigate the disappearance of a book containing rare annotations by Emperor Dom Pedro. With the help of her ...

    2024-03-17 15
  • Miracle in Bethlehem, PA.

    [2023]Miracle in Bethlehem, PA.[豆瓣0分]

    /爱情/英语/杰夫·比斯利/本杰明·艾尔斯/布雷登·布莱尔/Lauren Cochrane

    玛丽·安·布鲁贝克(Mary Ann Brubeck)事业成功且非常独立,她在圣诞节前收养了一名女婴,独自抚养长大。由于天气原因,她和孩子被困在宾夕法尼亚州伯利恒过节。当客栈没有房间时,...

    2024-03-27 17
  • 老师的善意谎言



    2024-03-19 45
  • 征服甜心 特别篇

    [2024]征服甜心 特别篇[豆瓣0分]

    烘焙情人夢 特別篇 / Bake Me Please Special Episode / 烘香情爱 特集 / 请烘焙我 特集 / Phichit Chai Nai Sai Wan Special Episode / 烘暖心房 特别篇 / 烘开心门 特别篇 / 征服你的心,甜心 特集/爱情/同性/泰语//提迪瓦·立帕拉赛/普里潘·萨帕桑萨瓦特/吉德·坎塔彭·措姆普潘/普拉姆·塔努普·帕图姆/Atom Nathaphop Kanjanteak

    2024-03-06 16
  • Robin and the Hood

    [2024]Robin and the Hood[豆瓣0分]


    When an unscrupulous developer (Harris) threatens their magical kingdom of overgrown bushes at the end of their cul-de-sac, the tenacious Robin and her loyal friends, the...

    2024-02-23 17
  • Eat, Love, London

    [2023]Eat, Love, London[豆瓣0分]

    /爱情/英语/Robert Shannon/

    2024-03-27 13
  • 赫夫苏列季歌谣


    Khevsurian Ballad/爱情/格鲁吉亚语/Shota Managadze/Sofiko Chiaureli/Dodo Abashidze

    Sofiko Chiaureli win the Best Actress Award at Locarno International Film Festival 1965.

    2024-03-17 17
  • Elmo and the Bookaneers
  • 舞者




    2024-03-18 12
  • 新神-火梦


    NEW GODS – DREAM OF FIRE/家庭/奇幻/冒险/汉语普通话//


    2024-03-27 14
  • The 47 Night Stand

    [2026]The 47 Night Stand[豆瓣0分]


    The project is in the early stages and the logline is being kept under wraps, though it’s described as a fresh and funny take on romance in the tradition of classic favo...

    2024-03-18 19
  • 第三世界浪漫


    /爱情//德本·巴尔塔扎尔/Carlo Aquino/Charlie Dizon/Ana Abad Santos

    An outspoken cashier and laidback grocery bagger navigate the path to being happy despite the challenges of their blue-collared living in a world where nothing comes for ...

    2024-03-04 23
  • 问女何所思


    What does she do these days/爱情/马拉地语/Satish Rajwade/Ajit Sable/Ankush Chaudhari/Tejashree Pradhan/Abhinay Berde


    2024-03-26 19
  • 疯狂的主播




    2024-03-13 18
  • Father Africa

    [2017]Father Africa[豆瓣0分]

    /家庭/运动//Chase Crittenden/

    A coming-of-age story that follows the main character, Cameron, as he goes on a journey to meet his real father who he recently discovers is Tanzanian, which opens his ey...

    2024-03-02 17
  • Mualla


    /爱情/土耳其语/Ülkü Erakalin/

    2024-03-26 12
  • The Way You Remember Me

    [2026]The Way You Remember Me[豆瓣0分]


    Following the death of her vivacious, entrepreneurial, thirtysomething son Ben, Laurie learns that he had frozen some of his sperm before his passing. As she embarks on a...

    2024-03-23 12
  • The Secret of Karma

    [2020]The Secret of Karma[豆瓣0分]

    /爱情/英语/Milan Friedrich/Mahulena Bocanová/Petra Buckova/玛西亚·克劳斯


    2024-03-14 13
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